Senate, Telstra, Great Barrier Reef, James Hardie, tax deductibility, aged pension, housing affordability, religion, Scoresby, Roads of National Importance – Interview with Jon Faine, ABC 3LO
October 29, 2004Economy, Petrol prices and executive pay – Press Conference, Treasury Place, Melbourne
November 9, 2004NO.096
I am inviting submissions from individuals, business and community groups
on their views regarding priorities for the 2005-06 Budget.
The Government places considerable importance on receiving community views
in developing its budget strategies and policies.
It would be advisable for those interested in making a submission to do
so as soon as possible, to ensure its consideration in the budget context.
The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2005. It would be helpful if
submissions could include a short executive summary of no more than two
Submissions longer than five pages should be accompanied by an electronic
version, either on disk or CD, or emailed in Microsoft Word or Adobe Acrobat
Submissions should be forwarded to the address below:
Address for Submission:
Budget Policy Division Department of the Treasury Langton Crescent PARKES ACT 2600 |
Contact officer: Tim Pyne
Telephone: (02) 6263 3725 |
Or email to:
8 November 2004
Contact: Amanda Kennedy
03 9650 0244