National Accounts: December Quarter 1999
March 15, 2000Labor’s tax chaos
March 18, 2000
Inaugural Meeting of Ministerial Council for CommonwealthState Financial Relations and Outcome of Loan Council Meeting
Todays inaugural meeting of the Ministerial Council for Commonwealth-State Financial Relations marks the start of a new era of Commonwealth-State financial relations. The meeting of Commonwealth, State and Territory Treasurers considered expected revenue payments to the States and Territories in 2000-01, as well as a range of GST administration issues. The Ministerial Council was established by the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Reform of Commonwealth-State Financial Relations (IGA) which was signed by all jurisdictions last June. The IGA constitutes a landmark reform to Commonwealth-State financial relations in:
The new arrangements provide States and Territories with access to a more robust tax base which will grow over time to ensure that State and Territory budgets are substantially better off over the medium term. Commonwealth legislation provides the States and Territories with balancing assistance to ensure that their budgets are no worse off until such time as GST revenue exceeds current funding. The attached Statement of Estimated Payments provides State-by-State estimates of GST revenue and budget balancing assistance (Table 1), general revenue assistance (Table 3) and specific purpose payments (Table 5) payable to the States and Territories in 2000-01.
GST Revenue and Budget Balancing Assistance
The Ministerial Council noted that, on the basis of current estimates, States and Territories would receive in 2000-01:
The distribution of GST revenues amongst the States will be in accordance with the recommendations of the Commonwealth Grants Commission (CGC) in its Report on General Revenue Grant Relativities 2000 Update. Each State will require budget balancing assistance in 2000-01. To assist with the transition to the new arrangements, the full amount of estimated budget balancing assistance will be paid up front to the States on 4 July 2000. The Ministerial Council noted long term projections of the State-by-State impact of the IGA (attached). The projections are only indicative guides. The actual impact of the IGA on each jurisdiction will be significantly affected by GST revenue growth and the CGCs annual recommendations on the distribution of GST revenue.
Specific Purpose Payments (SPPs)
On the basis of current preliminary estimates, total SPPs will increase by around 4.5 per cent, or $792.8 million in 2000-01. After abstracting from SPPs paid either direct to local government or which pass “through” the States to other bodies, SPPs “to” the States are estimated to increase by around 4.0 per cent, or $529.6 million. Detailed estimates of the proposed level of SPPs and their distribution among the States and Territories will be included in the Commonwealths 2000-01 Budget. The Commonwealth reiterated its commitment under the IGA not to cut aggregate SPPs to the States and Territories as part of the reform processes.
Other Payments
The Commonwealth will also provide Competition Payments of up to $461.7 million to the States and Territories in 2000-01, as specified in the Agreement to Implement the National Competition Policy and Related Reforms. Each jurisdictions receipt of its per capita share of Competition Payments will be determined once the National Competition Council has released its assessment of progress under the Agreement. In line with CGC recommendations, the ACT will receive $13.5 million for transitional allowances and special fiscal needs in 2000-01.
GST Administration Issues
Under the terms of the IGA, the Ministerial Council is charged with overseeing the operation of the GST, including approving changes to the GST base and rate, and monitoring the ATOs performance in GST administration. As part of this process, the Ministerial Council is progressing a number of Ministerial determinations, including the Division 81 determination, gazetted on 1 March 2000, containing a list of Commonwealth, State and Territory taxes and charges that will not be subject to the GST.
First Home Owners Scheme
Under the IGA, the States and Territories agreed to assist first home owners by funding and administering a new First Home Owners Scheme (FHOS) in accordance with certain agreed criteria. The Ministerial Council is responsible for ensuring that all jurisdictions meet their commitments in this regard. The Council noted that all jurisdictions have made considerable progress in implementing the FHOS. States and Territories anticipate the passage of the necessary legislation prior to the commencement date of 1 July 2000, and promotional activities have commenced to alert first home buyers to the existence of the $7,000 grant for home purchases after 1 July 2000.
Local Government Compliance
The IGA records the intention that the GST will apply to all levels of government, including local government and their statutory corporations and authorities. The Ministerial Council noted the Commonwealths intention to legislate to require the States and the Northern Territory to withhold from any local government authority which does not register and pay the GST a sum equivalent to the payments which ought to have been made. It also noted the intention of States and the Northern Territory to implement laws or procedures which will allow them to detect any non-compliance by local government bodies and to determine the level of local government financial assistance grants to be withheld in such cases. The majority of local government outputs will not be subject to GST and local government bodies will generally be entitled to net refunds of their input credits. Consequently it is expected that local governments will voluntarily participate in the GST system, since it will be in their financial interest to do so.
Progress Report on Intergovernmental Taxation Agreement
Under the IGA, Heads of Government indicated their intention to introduce a National Tax Equivalent Regime (NTER) for income tax for State and Territory government business enterprises. It was also agreed to progress the reciprocal application of other Commonwealth, State and Territory taxes on a revenue neutral basis as soon as practicable. The Ministerial Council endorsed a target date for implementing the NTER for income tax for State and Territory government business enterprise of 1 July 2001 and agreed that implementation of the NTER should be afforded priority ahead of the application of specified State and Territory taxes to the Commonwealth.
Loan Council Allocations for 2000-01
The 139th meeting of the Australian Loan Council was also held today. Loan Council endorsed the Loan Council Allocations (LCAs) nominated by the Commonwealth and each State and Territory for 2000-2001 (attached). Loan Council observed that economic growth in Australia is expected to remain strong in 2000-01 and noted the importance of consolidating the improvements in budgetary outcomes of recent years at this stage in the economic cycle. Containing the public sector’s call on financial markets, particularly during periods of sound economic growth, maximises opportunities for the private sector, lessens pressures on interest rates and helps to ensure that the resources available to the government are used efficiently. In addition, sustainable fiscal settings provide governments with greater flexibility, contribute to national saving and help to sustain financial market confidence, thereby enhancing the longer-term growth prospects for the economy. Against this background, Loan Council considered that the aggregate of LCA nominations is consistent with current macroeconomic policy objectives. 17 March 2000 CANBERRA
Under the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement on the Reform of Commonwealth-State Financial Relations (the Intergovernmental Agreement) the States and Territories (the States) will receive all of the revenue raised by the goods and services tax (GST) from 1 July 2000. GST revenues will be distributed amongst the States on the basis of horizontal fiscal equalisation (HFE) principles. Under the Intergovernmental Agreement, the Commonwealth has guaranteed that in each of the transitional years following the introduction of the GST, each States budgetary position will be no worse off than had the reforms in the Agreement not been implemented. To meet this commitment the Commonwealth will provide transitional assistance, referred to as budget balancing assistance, which will take the form of both one-year interest-free loans and grants to the States in 2000-01 and quarterly grants in subsequent years. Budget balancing assistance represents the difference between the Guaranteed Minimum Amount (GMA) calculated for each jurisdiction and that jurisdictions share of GST revenues. Table 1 shows the latest available estimates of the GMAs, GST revenues and budget balancing assistance. These estimates will be subject to revision to account for parameter or estimate changes between now and the date of the payment to the States (4 July 2000). GST revenue estimates have been provided by the Commonwealth Treasury. The distribution of GST revenues between States is in accordance with the GST relativities recommended in the Commonwealth Grants Commissions (CGCs) Report on General Revenue Grant Relativities 2000 Update (the 2000 Update) and the Methodology for Estimation of Components of the Guaranteed Minimum Amount paper (the methodology paper) referred to in Clause C8 of the Agreement. The GMAs have been calculated according to the terms of the Agreement and the methodology paper. The GMAs incorporate notional financial assistance grants (FAGs) based on the FAGs relativities recommended by the CGC in its 2000 Update. Table 2 provides further detail of the calculation of the GMA for each State. Table 3 provides a summary of the estimated general revenue assistance and GST revenue provision to the States in 1999-2000 and 2000-01. Given the fundamental changes to Commonwealth State financial relations under A New Tax System, comparisons between the two years are not meaningful. Table 4 provides details of the distributions of GST revenue, taking into account projected populations, per capita relativities, the distributions of unquarantined health care grants and the GST growth dividend specified in the methodology paper. Tables 5 and 6 show preliminary estimates of specific purpose payments (SPPs) for 1999-2000 and 2000-01 on a no policy change basis. Detailed estimates of the proposed level of SPPs and their distribution amongst the States in 1999-2000 and 2000-01 will be included in the Commonwealths 2000-01 Budget Papers. Table 7 provides a summary of the States total payments for 1999-2000 and 2000-01. It shows that an estimated $43,942.4 million will be paid to the States in 2000-01. (As noted above, the fundamental change in Commonwealth State financial relations taking place makes it difficult to make meaningful comparisons between 1999-2000 and 2000-01.) Table 8 sets out repayments to the Commonwealth by the States in 1999-2000 and 2000-01. Table 1: Estimates of the Guaranteed Minimum Amount, GST Revenue and Budget Balancing Assistance, $million Click to enlarge Table 1 Table 2: Calculation of the Guaranteed Minimum Amount, 2000-01, $million Click to enlarge Table 2 Table 3: GST Revenue and General Revenue Assistance, $million Click to enlarge Table 3
Table 4: Distribution of GST Revenue Click to enlarge Table 4
Table 5: Estimates of Specific Purpose Payments, $million (a) Click to enlarge Table 5
Table 6: Estimates of Selected Specific Purpose Payments, $million (a) Click to enlarge Table 6
Table 7: Total Payments (a) Click to enlarge Table
Table 8: Repayments, $million
LOAN COUNCIL ALLOCATIONS 2000-01 NOMINATIONS ($m) (a) Click to enlarge Table 9
ESTIMATED NET IMPACT OF INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ON THE REFORM OF COMMONWEALTH-STATE FINANCIAL RELATIONS, $MILLION (a) Click to enlarge Table These estimates are broadly indicative and subject to further revision. They are based only on those impact items incorporated in the Guaranteed Minimum Amount calculation. Additionally, the following assumptions were used in their preparation: constant annual increases in GST revenue of around 6 per cent after 2003-04; relative stability in Commonwealth Grants Commission assessment of needs; debits tax is abolished from 1 July 2005; and business stamp duties are retained by the States (the Ministerial Council will be reviewing the need for their retention by 2005).