Seventh APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting
September 10, 2000Australian Economy, IT, Telstra
September 12, 2000
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Melbourne, my home city,
and the venue for the 2000 Asia-Pacific Economic Summit of the World Economic Forum, the
first to be held in Australia.
By bringing together leaders from government, the private
sector and other walks, the World Economic Forum can significantly advance our
understanding of economic developments and how it can be harnessed to benefit our
Because there has been a lot of comment and some protest about this Forum, I want to
state quite clearly at the outset, that economic growth is the basis of rising living
standards, better education, better health care. Economic growth is the best
poverty-busting policy yet invented. Economic growth, particularly in the latter part of
this century, has raised millions of people out of poverty, particularly in this region of
the world.
The first half of the century witnessed the rise of nationalism and world war, a global
depression, the rise of protectionism, a world war, a cold war, the scourge of
totalitarianism, and the economic failure of communism.
Angus Maddison, the doyen of scholars of long-term growth performance, estimates that
the large Asian economies were experiencing average real per capita growth of only about
a per cent a year as they entered the 20th century, and their per capita
incomes actually contracted between 1913 and 1950.
The great bulk of the 20th centurys economic gains were concentrated in the
second half. In that period, global economic integration through trade and investment
flows resumed, and economic growth recovered within the successful multilateral framework
of the IMF, the World Bank and the GATT (now the WTO). Through their increasing openness
and the benefits of trade and investment across national boundaries, large Asian economies
averaged annual per capita GDP real growth of more than 3 percent over that entire fifty
In this part of the world the Asia Pacific Region countries that have
opened up to investment and liberalised their economies have unquestionably benefited and
raised living standards among the poor. Nor have these benefits been only in terms of the
ability to purchase market goods and service captured in GDP figures:
- In 1950, life expectancies in China and India were only 38 and 36 years, respectively.
By the close of the century, those figures had risen to 71 and 61 years respectively.
- In just the last 20 years, infant mortality in the low and middle-income Asian and
Pacific Economies has fallen from 119 per thousand live births to 77.
This extraordinary Asian-Pacific experience contradicts the popular notion that the
poor have got (or will get) more numerous or poorer because of globalisation.
For the world as a whole, a clear majority of those who were poor as recently as 1970
have in fact got richer, in both absolute and relative terms: over the last 30 years,
about 70 percent of the population of developing countries have experienced sufficiently
fast growth in real per capita GDP to converge towards rich countries levels.
Claims that poverty is worsening are usually based on counting countries, not people.
- Major developing countries in this region with large populations have enjoyed quite
strong income growth, lifting millions out of poverty. In East Asia alone, the number
living in extreme poverty was halved in only 10 years.
- In contrast to the Asian-Pacific success stories, a number of countries with smaller
populations, many in Africa, have experienced economic stagnation and have become poorer
in relative terms, or even in some cases in absolute terms.
Mostly, these countries have not opened their economies to open trade or investment. In
some countries, they have been penalised by developed countries that will not open their
markets to developing poor nations. These countries face many obvious social, health and
political challenges, their economic institutions are still weak. Their share of global
trade has actually halved over the last 20 years, partly because of their isolation from
global trade opportunities and by agricultural protectionism in higher income countries.
The contrast with the low and middle-income countries of the Asia-Pacific is again
striking. While openness to the benefits of globalisation led the share of exports in GDP
to grow strongly in the Asia-Pacific over the last 20 years, the share in sub-Saharan
Africa actually contracted.
I view this indicator of falling trade shares for the poorest countries as not a sign
that they are being exploited by globalisation, but an indicator that they are missing the
great opportunities that can be created, with the right policies and institutions, from
increasing trade and investment flows.
As we know, the rapid growth and rising living standards in the East Asian region came
to a dramatic halt with the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997. The economic damage was
severe. In the region, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong
and New Zealand went into recession. China, Chinese Taipei and Australia were the only
countries which continued to grow. The Australian economy actually strengthened. Many of
the Asian economies are growing strongly again.
In 2000 – 2001, China, Korea, Singapore and Malaysia are likely to grow at 5 percent
rates or better, and Thailand and the Philippines at around 4 percent.
Growth in Indonesia remains modest, and perhaps best illustrates the remaining
challenge of consolidating structural reforms to encourage the return of confidence and
the resumption of capital inflows on a sustainable and stable basis.
Notwithstanding Indonesias difficulties, for the region as a whole, the ground
lost in the crisis has now been recovered. But the adjustment has been particularly severe
and the work of restructuring is far from complete.
The Asian crisis indicates that openness to the global economy, and integration in it,
while necessary for real human progress, is not itself sufficient to guarantee that that
progress will be secure and stable. Security and stability requires better domestic
policies and institutions, better lending and investment assessments (including by the
private sector in the industrial economies), and better performance from the international
There is a long and complex task of structural reform still to be completed in Asia
and not just in the crisis economies themselves. The institutional strengths
required for good prudential supervision and transparent, sustainable economic policies
are still being built, and financial sector and corporate restructuring still have a way
to go.
In this regard, I think there are some lessons that can be drawn from Australia.
Australia weathered the Asian crisis well because of timely reforms that brought
Australian economic and prudential supervisory policies (and business governance) up to
world’s best practice. But our reform agenda is by no means complete. We are still
implementing important tax reforms and must remain alert to the implications for future
policy of accelerating changes from e-commerce and e-finance. Furthermore, we must ensure
there is no slippage with the reforms that have been achieved.
As reforms made the Australian economy more competitive, work practices improved, and
businesses sought ways to raise productivity, including through profitable applications of
the new information and communication technologies. Earlier this year, in its study
entitled Is There a New Economy”, the OECD identified Australia as one of only
six of its 29 members to have significantly lifted trend real per capita growth through
the 1990s.
The Australian reforms were introduced steadily, not in response to a crisis, but to
prevent one. But achieving Australias reform initiatives took political leadership
and a Government prepared to take hard policy decisions. And make no mistake about it,
reform is politically hard – reforming the tax system, an obvious reform accomplished in
nearly every developed economy years ago, was the subject of irresponsible political
opportunism by domestic political forces.
The Asian economies must push the pace of reform, while the US economys demand
for their exports is strong and the global growth environment is helpful. There may be a
tendency to feel that reform initiatives can be eased when growth has resumed. But this is
exactly the time when reform efforts should be enhanced.
The external and internal environments that most of the countries in the region
currently face are unlikely to remain so helpful indefinitely: global economic growth
might slow, and Asian domestic fiscal settings that are now quite accommodating, will
eventually need to be tightened if public debt is to be kept manageable.
In the mid 1990s, Australia designed and implemented its reforms through its analysis
of others best practice.
Over recent years we have seen increasing efforts to codify international best
practices into various standards or principles some of Australias reforms are
now used as international models but further work is still to be completed at the
international level on accounting standards, emergent insolvency law standards and the
OECD principles of good corporate governance.
Governments can now access principles for effective prudential regulation of banks, the
IMFs systems for data publication, and the principles it has derived from its
members experience for making fiscal and monetary policies more transparent both to
voters and to analysts.
I like to think of these economic and commercial standards and codes in an analogy to
the protocols behind the success of the Internet.
The Internet has swept the world where earlier, proprietary systems of electronic data
interchange made only limited inroads. The Internet triumphed because it is an open
system, built on protocols and an agreed programming language that enable computers
everywhere to exchange information.
Everybody benefits from instant global exchange of information, including those who
want to organise protests against globalisation!
I believe the recently developed, key economic standards and codes will become the
protocols of the globalised business world.
If implemented, they will reduce the volatility of capital flows as informed decisions
are made and capital properly priced on the basis of open information.
I believe that international codes, appropriately expressed as either general
principles (such as for corporate governance) or more detailed standards (such as for
prudential supervision of banks), are the protocols for building a stable open
system of business and government.
These codes and standards can be very helpful to both the reformist leaders in Asia,
and to international lenders and investors
They are, of course, not an end in themselves but represent a reference point as to the
policy prescriptions necessary to achieve sustainable growth. They need not be implemented
slavishly, but should be adopted in forms that are suitable for the domestic situation. It
is also important that the policy reforms be seen as being locally owned, and
not something that is dictated to a country by an external body.
The international business community has a key role to play to prevent the recurrence
of past bouts of extravagant, misguided capital inflows that were subsequently drastically
reversed. As strong investment growth returns to Asia, substantial external finance is
again rapidly returning through foreign portfolio and direct investment, and foreign
lending. That funding will be essential for living standards in the Asian economies to
resume their convergence on levels in the richest countries.
But this time, the private sector must be more discriminating, focussing its lending
and investment on companies that use credible accounting standards and good corporate
governance, in a framework of functioning insolvency laws.
They also need to pay more attention to the state of prudential regulation in local
financial sectors, and to choosing jurisdictions in which government statistics and
polices are transparently reported, and therefore more easily diagnosed and corrected
should they again begin to drift off track.
What can the international community of governments do to bolster reformist leadership
in Asia?
Australia has been active in the World Bank, the IMF, the OECD and the Financial
Stability Forum to develop the use of the standards and codes I mentioned earlier in order
to improve transparency.
But most of all, we have tried to assist governments implement required reforms by
being a strong contributor to bilateral technical assistance along with multilateral
assistance through the World Bank, IMF and the Asian Development Bank.
In addition, for several years we have participated in, or led, APEC Finance Minister
initiatives in projects to build institutions and human capacity in banking and securities
supervision, corporate governance, insolvency law, and accounting standards. In fact, just
this weekend, I participated in the 2000 APEC Finance Ministers meeting in Brunei,
where further progress was made in helping to build the domestic institutions that will
facilitate freer and more stable capital flows within the Asia Pacific region
As I said earlier, I am optimistic as to the prospects for the region. I am also a
realist. If the recovery currently underway is to be sustained, it is essential that the
countries in the region continue, if not enhance, their structural reform initiatives.
There are a range of international codes and principles that set the benchmark as to what
needs to be achieved. But their achievement will take political and business leadership. I
am sure that this Summit will help lift awareness of what is required.