Speech at the Anzac Day Dawn Service, Gallipoli
April 25, 2003Economy, Drought
Thank you very much, John [Rossant – Moderator, European Editor Business Week].
Can I start off by saying I do not think we need to re-think the concept of
a corporation. And if we did, it would be long outside the political cycle that
any of us are familiar with. I think we know what a corporation is there to
do. It is to give limited liability to people who want to share their capital
for joint economic purpose, for a hope of return. What we may have to do, is,
we may have to educate the public on what a corporation stands for and, in particular,
the word risk. I heard Daniel [O’Keefe – Managing Director, Protiviti] mention
that. As a general rule, the higher the return, the greater the risk. And we
have lived through a bull market which encourages people to believe that high
returns could be obtained without risk. And it is only at the end of that bull
market, that the old laws are proven again that return goes hand in hand with
risk. And you cannot take risk out of investment. The moment you legislate against
risk, you will legislate against the opportunity to return profit. And it is
very important not only that lawmakers understand that point. It is important
that investors understand that point.
Now, from a lawmaker’s point of view, we always have two competing issues
that come at us in this area. On the one hand, we do not want to stifle entrepreneurial
activity, so we want low transactional costs. On the other hand, we want to
protect investors so that we have confidence in our markets. And it is these
two competing issues that come at us every time, from which we need to try and
strike a balance, which can preserve the concept of a corporation and confidence
of investors, which is necessary to make it work.
Now, when theorists look at those two competing issues they say, well how
can you reconcile them? And they always come up with the word transparency.
Transparency means that a legislator does not have to tell a corporation what
to do. They can decide what to do as long as they tell everybody. And an investor
can be protected because they know what is going on.
But I think where this has broken down, is, that as the general public, mass
investors, have developed with privatisation projects and so on, your ordinary
investor does not have the sophistication to be able to assess the kind of information
that is coming out from a company. Prospectuses are too long, analysts use their
own jargon, and during a bull run, who cares anyway because you are always getting
a good return. Nobody is really interested in the information.
And so we have the rise of the professional manager. And it was thought that
the professional manager would understand all of this disclosure. He would protect
the investor, he would get them a good return, they could put their trust either
in terms of the collective investment, or a pension plan, in the professional
Now, I will put to you, and I am going to make four points here, that professional
managers are a very large part of the problem. They were being rewarded by returns
which gave them incentives to pump the stock. There was not enough transparency
on the managers themselves. And although I would not legislate it, I would certainly
recommend to people, to go to analysts who charge a fee rather than take an
equity position. I am not sure that the managers themselves learned how to distinguish
between their own incentive and that of their clients. I think also the tendency
became very short-term. Quarterly returns, quarterly rating. Nobody was interested
in long-term investment and I think that undermined the idea of the company.
The second thing I am going to suggest is, it is essential to look very carefully
at your tax system. There were biases in the tax system for capital returns,
which again gave incentives to pump stock. Most developed countries now have
a lower rate of tax on capital than they do on income. That is one bias in favour
of a capital return. Those countries that offer a classical taxation system,
tax income twice – both in the hands of the company and the hands of the shareholder.
That gave an incentive to pump stock rather than to earn income – and I welcome
moves in some countries now to move to a system away from the classical taxation
system. We, in our country, operate a full dividend imputation system so that
income is only taxed once, and the incentive is therefore for a corporation
to derive income.
And thirdly, transactional costs on share buying and selling should be kept
low so that people have the opportunity to exit. Stamp duties on share transactions
and so on are bad things if you want to get discipline into markets. Should
you have ease of entry, ease of exit in order to have discipline on the corporations
The third thing I am going to suggest that we found very useful in Australia
is continuous disclosure. We do not have quarterly reporting, but for listed
corporations we have continuous disclosure. That is, anything that can materially
affect the share price must be immediately disclosed to a stock exchange. It
does not give you the opportunity to make an announcement early in a quarter
which does not have to be announced for some time. And we are going to back
that up with on-the-spot fines, with a failure to disclose will incur an on
the spot fine from the regulator. You have the right to contest that in court
if you want to, but you run the risk of what we call an on-the-spot infringement
notice, which of course puts enormous pressure on the corporations to get the
information out. By the time it has gone off to court, everybody has lost interest
in the actual information.
The fourth, and the last, point that I want to underscore, and numbers of
people have already made it in this presentation, is peer group pressure. Peer
group pressure was in many respects a force for ill, I think, in the bull market
run of the late ’90s. That is, if you were a company director that did not have
a deal going, you were considered rather indolent or not working as hard as
your shareholders would expect. If you were in the so-called old economy, rather
than the new economy, this would open you up to criticism. And the tendency
became, I think, for chief executives, they had to leave their mark in corporations
by doing a deal somewhere to realise shareholder value. You do not hear too
many people these days adversely contrasting old economy stocks to new economy
stocks. That is a language that seems to have died in the late 1990s for obvious
reasons. So just as peer group pressure could be a force for ill, it can be
a force for good.
The importance of non-government institutions, I would underline the Institute
of Company Directors, stock exchange rules and public pressure. We have had
examples in our country where chairmen of boards that have lost shareholder
value have foregone remuneration. Now, that is a very good signal, I think,
to the investing public, and I think it is a very good arm of peer group pressure
in relation to other company directors.
The other thing I would put in there, that we are thinking very carefully about
in relation to enforcement, is civil enforcement as against criminal enforcement.
We found particularly in western legal systems, the criminal standard beyond
reasonable proof, the rules of evidence, mean that proceedings can take a very
long period of time. Civil proceedings, different standard of proof which is
the balance of probabilities, financial penalty which follows, maybe a disqualification
penalty from being a company director, which for a professional company director
is equivalent to a life sentence to be banned from being a company director,
allows you to much more quickly access the court system and get some kind of
verdict out there. And this is absolutely important for the investors. At the
end of the day, the investors need to know that it is safe to go back into the
water, and a government that can reassure them on that I think is going to get
an economic benefit.
One last point I will just make in closing, John. From an economic point of
view, we have always thought about the importance of fiscal policy, the importance
of monetary policy, the importance of tax policy, structural policy. We see
corporate governance very much as an arm of structural policy. Rather than a
race to the bottom, which you sometimes get in tax policy, a race to the top
in relation to corporate governance can actually give a country and a business
environment a competitive advantage that people who want to invest in your jurisdiction
know that it will be done well. Companies that are competing in your jurisdiction
know that the regulation will be independent so that people will not get advantages,
and of course investors feel free to be able to reinvest. So corporate governance,
as an arm of economic policy, which is why I as a Treasurer got interested in
it, and I think if you think of it in that way, you can actually make it a great
benefit and positive.
Thanks very much.