NO.005 1999-2000 PRE-BUDGET SUBMISSIONS Today I am announcing the process for the Governments consideration of pre-budget submissions for the 1999-2000 Budget. The Government places considerable importance on receiving community views in developing its budget strategies and policies. Accordingly the Government would welcome submissions from individuals, business and community groups on their views regarding the strategy for the 1999-2000 Budget. It would be advisable for those interested in making submissions, to do so as soon as possible to ensure their consideration in the budget context. The deadline set for submissions is 19 February 1999. It would also be helpful if submissions include a short executive summary of no more than two pages. Submissions should be forwarded to the address below.
Address for Submissions:
Budget Policy Division Department of the Treasury Parkes Place PARKES ACT 2600 Contact officer: Katherine Tuck Telephone: (02) 6263 2901 CANBERRA 28 January 1999 |