2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
State of the Budget, Labor’s tax policy hoax; Coalition’s low interest rate record; First Home Owners Scheme; Labor’s childcare deceit – Interview with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan, Radio 5AN
September 9, 2004
Debate; Labor’s Tax Policy; Terrorist Attack in Jakarta – Doorstop interview, Treasury Place, Melbourne
September 12, 2004
State of the Budget, Labor’s tax policy hoax; Coalition’s low interest rate record; First Home Owners Scheme; Labor’s childcare deceit – Interview with Matthew Abraham and David Bevan, Radio 5AN
September 9, 2004
Debate; Labor’s Tax Policy; Terrorist Attack in Jakarta – Doorstop interview, Treasury Place, Melbourne
September 12, 2004

2003-04 Final Budget Outcome

No. 082


The Australian Government general government sector recorded an underlying

cash surplus of $8billion in 2003-04. This result is $3.5 billion higher than

estimated at the time of the 2004-05Budget.

Total cash receipts were around $1.8 billion (0.9 per cent) higher than estimated

at the 2004-05Budget. This was predominately due to higher than expected collections

from “other individuals” reflecting stronger than expected profitability

for unincorporated small businesses.

Total cash payments were around $1.7 billion (0.9 per cent) lower than estimated

at Budget. This largely reflects slippage across a range of health grant programmes,

along with a slower take-up of newly listed drugs under the Pharmaceutical Benefits


An accrual fiscal surplus of $5.6 billion was recorded for 2003-04. This is

$2.6 billion higher than estimated at the time of the 2004-05Budget.

The strong Budget outcome for 2003-04 reflects the Government’s ongoing commitment

to sound fiscal management.

General government net debt fell by $6.2 billion in 2003-04 to $23.4 billion

(2.9percent of GDP). In total, net debt has been reduced by $72.9 billion

over the last 7 years of the Coalition Government. This is the lowest level

of debt as a percentage of GDP for 26 years.

An electronic version of the 2003-04 Final Budget Outcome document can be found

at: http://www.budget.gov.au/



10 September 2004