Budget – Interview with Mark Riley, Channel 7

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Budget – Doorstop Interview, Parliament House, Canberra
May 9, 2005
Budget – Interview with Paul Murray, 6PR
May 11, 2005
Budget – Doorstop Interview, Parliament House, Canberra
May 9, 2005
Budget – Interview with Paul Murray, 6PR
May 11, 2005

Budget – Interview with Mark Riley, Channel 7

Interview with Mark Riley

Channel 7

Tuesday, 10 May 2005



Mr Costello this is a powerful lot of money you are spending here.


Well, we are cutting taxes and at a time when you have got more people in work

than ever before, more people in work paying lower taxes, can raise the same

amount of money as fewer people in work paying higher taxes. So, if you have

got low unemployment, you get the chance to cut tax.


And keeping interest rates low?


And keeping interest rates low, that is very much part of the strategy.


Labor says this is for the top end of town, that eight out of ten people only

get $6 a week.


Well, this is a cut in tax for everybody. We cut the lowest rate and we moved

the upper thresholds. The upper thresholds, you are still paying the same rate,

you do not get the rate cut but your threshold moves out so it cuts tax for

everybody. The important thing I think is that it makes the Australian taxation

system more competitive. I think in the past we have had our top rate cut in

at too low an amount. This time we are moving more in line with international



It is a lot of tax cuts and if people don’t like you now Treasurer, when

are they going to like you?


Well it is important to keep taxes as low as possible. If you have balanced

your Budget, you have reduced debt, keep taxes as low as you can.


Treasurer thanks very much.