Appointment to the Productivity Commission

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Address to Centre for Independent Studies Consilium Conference
August 7, 2003
Labor’€™s Benefit for Sydneysiders ‘€“ No-One Else Need Apply
August 14, 2003
Address to Centre for Independent Studies Consilium Conference
August 7, 2003
Labor’€™s Benefit for Sydneysiders ‘€“ No-One Else Need Apply
August 14, 2003

Appointment to the Productivity Commission



After consulting with the Productivity Commission Chairman, I am pleased

to announce that Dr Ed Shann of Melbourne will be appointed

as an Associate Commissioner of the Productivity Commission to assist

with the Inquiry into First Home Ownership. He will join Chairman Gary

Banks and Commissioner David Robertson on the Inquiry.

Dr Shann is eminently qualified for the task. He has high level experience

in the public and private sectors. Dr Shann’s experience includes work

at the International Monetary Fund, the Treasury, Department of the Prime

Minister and Cabinet, and Chief Economist of Shell (Australia).

Details of all those holding appointments with the Commission, as well

as the terms of reference for the inquiry, are available on the Commission’s



12 August 2003

Contact: David Alexander

+61 2 6277 7340