Appointments to the Payments System Board and Closure of the Australian Payments System Council

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14 July 1998, AM with Matt Peacock
July 14, 1998
Petrol Pricing
July 20, 1998
14 July 1998, AM with Matt Peacock
July 14, 1998
Petrol Pricing
July 20, 1998

Appointments to the Payments System Board and Closure of the Australian Payments System Council

Treasurer's Press Release NO. 067



The Payments System Board (PSB) has been established as part of the Government’s financial sector reform program. The PSB will operate as a policy making Board of the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) with equal status to the RBA Board. It will have responsibility for the RBA’s payments system policy with a view to increasing contestability, efficiency and stability in the Australian payments system.

The payments system covers the array of payment instruments (cash, cheques, smart cards among others), their delivery, the exchange or clearance of payment messages, and the final settlement of value between intermediaries providing payment services. The payments infrastructure in Australia includes both private systems like the Bank Interchange and Transfer System and Austraclear, and public systems like the Real Time Gross Settlement system.

The RBA Board will continue to have responsibility for monetary and banking policy.

The establishment of the PSB will substantially increase the accountability of the RBA in relation to its role in the payments system. The RBA has also been given new powers to regulate the payments system under the Payment Systems (Regulation) Act 1998 and the Payment Systems and Netting Act 1998.

As a result of the creation of the PSB, the Australian Payments System Council (APSC) has been wound-up. The APSC was established in 1984 to monitor the operation of the payments system on behalf of the Treasurer. More recently, it has also had responsibility for monitoring compliance to the codes of conduct for banks, building societies and credit unions.

The Council has played an important role in the financial sector reform process, and I would like to express the Government’s appreciation for its efforts over the years.

The Council’s role in relation to codes of conduct and consumer issues transfers to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, while its payments system role transfers to the PSB.

Today, I am pleased to announce that the Governor-General has agreed to appoint Mr John Thom, Ms Susan McCarthy and Mr Joseph Gersh to the PSB, each for a term of five years. Curricula vitae for the new members are attached.

The Chairman of the PSB is Mr Ian Macfarlane, Governor of the RBA and the Deputy Chair is Dr John Laker, RBA Assistant Governor. Mr Graeme Thompson, CEO of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority is also a member of the PSB.

Two vacancies remain on the PSB. The Government expects to be in a position to announce further appointments to the PSB in the near future.

Contact Officers


Dr John F. Laker (Reserve Bank of Australia)   (02) 9551 8510

Mr Ray Jones (Commonwealth Treasury)   (02) 6263 3849

15 July 1998



Susan McCarthy

Date of Birth:

10 August 1946



Academic Qualifications:

BA (Economics) 1968

Melbourne University

FRMIT (Financial management and organisation theory) 1977

Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Current Position:

General Manager, Corporate Issues

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group

Employment History:

Australia and New Zealand Banking Group

1993-95 General Manager, Corporate Affairs

1992-93 Assistant General Manager, Corporate Affairs

Barclays Bank

Economic Intelligence Unit

Board Appointments:

Chairman (1996-98) and Board Member (1993-98), Australian Banking Industry Ombudsman Ltd.

Board Member, Australian Payments System Council, 1992-1998






John Graham Thom

Date of Birth:

4 January 1939



Academic Qualifications:

Fellow of the Australian Society of CPAs

Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries and Managers

Programme for Management Development, Harvard University

Current Position:

Visiting Professor, Macquarie Graduate School of Management

Director and Chairman, NSW Treasury Audit Committee

Vice Chairman and Chairman of Finance Committee, Mater Hospital

Employment History:


1986-1992 Managing Director

Citibank New York

Global Liquidity Committee

Asia Pacific Policy Committee

Board Appointments:

Director, Giant Steps

Chairman, Australian Society of Treasurers

Chairman, Australian Society of Business Economists


Doctor of Letters (Honoris Causa), Macquarie University




Joseph Israel Gersh

Date of Birth:

21 September 1955



Academic Qualifications:

B.Comm LLB (Hons), Melbourne University 1979

Current Position:

Partner and Chairman of the Management Committee,

Arnold Bloch Leibler

Employment History:

Arnold Bloch Leibler

1989-81 Articled Clerk

1981-82 Associate Partner

Board Appointments:

Chairman, Entertainment Development Group 1998

Director, Abacus Technology Holdings Ltd. 1998

Director, Federal Airports Corporation 1995-96