Appointments to the Productivity Commission

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Meeting Of The Ministerial Council For Commonwealth-State Financial Relations And Outcome Of Loan Council Meeting
March 22, 2002
February retail trade figures; economy; petrol prices; National Australia Bank; stem cell research
April 4, 2002
Meeting Of The Ministerial Council For Commonwealth-State Financial Relations And Outcome Of Loan Council Meeting
March 22, 2002
February retail trade figures; economy; petrol prices; National Australia Bank; stem cell research
April 4, 2002

Appointments to the Productivity Commission



The Treasurer announced today the appointment of two Commissioners to the

Productivity Commission.

Dr Neil Byron

Neil Byron has been re-appointed as a Commissioner for a further period of

five years. During his current appointment as Commissioner, Dr Byron has had

oversight of the Commission’s research on environmental issues, as well as serving

on a range of public inquiries including the Implementation of Ecologically

Sustainable Development by Commonwealth Departments and Agencies.

Dr Byron has qualifications in forestry and economics and, prior to his current

appointment, held senior UN and academic research positions.

Mr Tony Hinton

Tony Hinton will join the Commission for a five year term following his recent

return from his appointment in Paris as Australia’s Ambassador to the OECD.

Prior to that appointment he held a number of senior positions in Treasury involving

international and domestic economic and finance matters, including as the Executive

Member of the Foreign Investment Review Board.

Mr Costello said that the appointment of Commissioners Byron and Hinton will

help the Commission maintain its important work as the Government’s principal

advisory body on microeconomic policy and regulation.

The Treasurer took the opportunity of these appointments to express his gratitude

for the contribution of Commissioner John Cosgrove who will be retiring in May

after 38 years of distinguished public service.

Full details of the Commission’s composition and activities are available

on its website


26 March 2002