Beazley says breaking tax promises not “Unreasonable”

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September 28, 2001
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October 3, 2001
AFL Grand Final
September 28, 2001
Interest rates, First Home Owners Grant, forecasts, Ansett
October 3, 2001

Beazley says breaking tax promises not “Unreasonable”


Beazley says breaking tax promises not “Unreasonable”

Today Kim Beazley revealed his true attitude to promises on tax when he declared

that Western Australian Premier Gallop’s broken promise on tax was not unreasonable.

Premier Gallop explicitly promised before the Western Australian state election

not to increase taxes, but two weeks ago broke that promise in his first budget

by introducing a new property tax.

Kim Beazley this morning defended Premier Gallop’s broken tax promise, saying:-

“It’s a matter for the State Government to resolve, but I wouldn’t have

said it’s hugely unreasonable.”

Kim Beazley has experience in breaking tax promises, for instance, he infamously

defended Labor’s broken promise on L-A-W tax cuts at the same time as introducing

increases in wholesale sales tax, fuel excise and company tax rates.

The fact is that Kim Beazley does not believe that promises on tax mean anything,

and his track record speaks more eloquently than his empty rhetoric.


2 October 2001