2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Tax Value Method
August 7, 2000
Potential GST Avoidance Activity in the Insurance Industry to be Stopped
August 17, 2000
Tax Value Method
August 7, 2000
Potential GST Avoidance Activity in the Insurance Industry to be Stopped
August 17, 2000

Board Of Taxation: Membership


Board Of Taxation: Membership

The Government is establishing a Board of Taxation to advise on the development and

implementation of taxation legislation as well as the ongoing operation of the tax system.

The membership of the Board will be as follows:

  • Dick Warburton; Chairman of David Jones Limited, Chairman of Goldfields Ltd, holds a

    number of directorships including Southcorp Ltd, Nufarm Ltd, Tabcorp Holding Ltd, Caltex

    Australia Ltd; member of the Reserve Bank Board.

  • John Harvey; Partner and immediate past CEO, Pricewaterhouse Coopers (Australia).
  • Alison McClelland; Associate Professor (Social Policy), Social Work Department, School

    of Human Sciences, La Trobe University. Formerly Director of the Brotherhood of St


  • Michael Chaney; Managing Director and CEO of Wesfarmers Limited, holds a number of

    directorships including BHP and Gresham Partners Group Ltd, on the Board of the Business

    Council of Australia.

  • Brett Heading; Partner and Head of Corporate Advisory Group, McCullough Robertson

    Lawyers, Chairman of Clovely Estate Ltd, Chairman of Technology One Ltd, member of

    Corporations and Securities Panel.

  • John Bronger; practising pharmacist of Wetherill Park, National President of the

    Pharmacy Guild of Australia.

  • Chris Jordan; Senior Tax Partner KPMG, Chairman of the New Tax System Advisory Board.
  • Ex-Officio members; Secretary of the Treasury, Commissioner of Taxation, and

    First Parliamentary Counsel.

The inaugural Chair of the Board will be Dick Warburton.

The Board of Taxation is a non-statutory body which will advise the Government on the

design and operation of Australia’s tax laws. In particular, it will ensure that

there is full and effective community consultation in the design and implementation of tax


While the Board will consider over time a wide range of issues, I announced on 7 August

that one of its initial tasks will be to advise on the development of the Tax Value Method

as recommended by the Ralph review of Business Taxation.

The Board will be supported by a secretariat provided by Treasury and will have a

capacity to commission research and other studies approved or referred to it by the



10 August 2000

Contact: Niki Savva

(02) 6277 7340