Comprehensive Taxation Agreement Between Australia and Mexico

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Ninth APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting
September 6, 2002
Singing; Iraq; AFL; IMF; Philip Ruddock
September 17, 2002
Ninth APEC Finance Ministers’ Meeting
September 6, 2002
Singing; Iraq; AFL; IMF; Philip Ruddock
September 17, 2002

Comprehensive Taxation Agreement Between Australia and Mexico




The Treasurer Peter Costello has today signed with the Mexican Finance Secretary,

Francisco Gil Díaz, a comprehensive taxation agreement between Australia

and Mexico for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal


The agreement, which will help expand trade and investment links between the

two countries, was signed in Mexico City. Bilateral trade between Australia

and Mexico exceeded $A1 billion in 2001.

“I believe the new agreement will foster the development of trade and

economic cooperation between our two countries and will add significantly to

the substance of our bilateral relationship with Mexico. I am confident that

it will be well received by the business communities in both countries,”

Mr Costello said.

The agreement prevents double taxation by allocating taxing rights between

Australia and Mexico in respect of all forms of income flows between the two

countries. The basis of allocating these rights is substantially similar to

that adopted in Australia’s other modern taxation agreements, including those

with Russia, Argentina and Romania. Attachment A

provides further details of the agreement.

The new agreement will enter into force only after the Australian and Mexican

Governments have exchanged notes advising each other that the last of the necessary

constitutional processes to give the agreement the force of law in both countries

has been completed. This is expected to take place around the middle of 2003.

A copy of the agreement can be obtained via the Treasury’s internet site at:

under the heading What’s New.

Mexico City, Mexico

9 September 2002


Paul McBride


(02) 6263 2854

Niki Savva

Treasurer’s Office

(02) 6277 7340


The Agreement provides for certain types of income to be taxed in full by the

country in which the income has its source. These include income from real property

and alienation of real property, business profits attributable to a `permanent

establishment’, most income from employment, most government remuneration (excluding

government service pensions), and income derived by entertainers and sportspersons.

This Agreement also contains specific rules concerning income, profits or gains

arising from indirect alienation of real property following the Federal Court’s

decision in the Lamesa Holdings BV case.

Other types of income may be taxed only in the country of residence of the

recipient. These include shipping or aircraft profits derived from international

operations, pensions and annuities and, subject to certain exceptions, income

derived by an individual from professional or other independent services.

Dividends, interest and royalties may be taxed by both countries, but there

are limits on the tax that the country in which the dividend, interest or royalty

is sourced may charge on such income flowing to residents of the other country

who are beneficially entitled to that income.

A limitation of 15 per cent applies to dividends. However, where the dividends

have been fully taxed at the corporate level and the dividend recipient is a

company that holds directly at least 10 per cent of the voting power in the

company paying the dividends, no tax may be imposed in the country of source.

In practice, however, Australia’s domestic withholding tax exemption will continue

to apply for all franked dividends paid to residents of Mexico, whilst the withholding

tax applicable to outgoing unfranked dividends will generally be reduced from

30 per cent to 15 per cent in respect of such payments. Mexico does

not currently apply dividend withholding tax domestically.

A source country tax rate limit of 10 per cent will generally apply for both

countries in the case of royalties. In the case of interest, a 10 per cent limit

will apply if certain conditions are met, including where the person beneficially

entitled is a bank or an insurance company. In all other cases, a 15 per cent

limit will apply.

Subject to specific rules in relation to gains from the alienation of real

property, business assets, ships or aircraft, and some shares, capital gains

are to be taxed in accordance with the respective domestic laws.

The Agreement will help prevent double taxation that may arise when an individual

changes residence. Unrealised gains on certain assets are generally taxable

under Australia’s domestic law when a person ceases to be a resident of Australia.

If a person elects to defer taxation of unrealised gains on departure, double

taxation may arise if both Australia and Mexico subsequently seek to tax on

realisation. The Agreement will provide relief from double taxation by providing

an exemption from former residence country taxation for gains deferred by an

individual on ceasing to be a resident of that country if the individual is

a resident of the other country when the gains are crystallised.

The new Agreement will enter into force only after the Australian and Mexican

Governments have exchanged diplomatic notes, advising each other that the last

of the necessary constitutional processes to give the Agreement the force of

law in their respective countries has been completed.

Reflecting the Government’s commitment to open and accountable treaty making,

the Agreement and a National Interest Analysis will be tabled in the Parliament

for review by the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties. In Australia, legislation

will also be necessary to give the Agreement the force of law and a Bill for

that purpose will be introduced into the Parliament as soon as practicable.

Upon entry into force, the Agreement will have effect in respect of withholding

taxes for amounts paid or credited on or after the first day of the second month

next following the date on which this Agreement enters into force if the Agreement

enters into force prior to 1 July of that year; otherwise, on 1 January

of the year following the year this Agreement enters into force. In respect

of other taxes, the Agreement will have effect in Australia, in relation to

income, profits or gains of any year of income beginning on or after 1 July

in the calendar year next following that in which this Agreement enters into

force; and in Mexico, on or after 1 July in the calendar year next following

that in which this Agreement enters into force.