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Legislation Review of the Broadcasting Services ACT 1992
March 4, 1999
Senate obstruction, tax reform, stockmarket
March 16, 1999
Legislation Review of the Broadcasting Services ACT 1992
March 4, 1999
Senate obstruction, tax reform, stockmarket
March 16, 1999

Defamation Case


Defamation case

My wife and I are very relieved by the decision of the court today.

Without any reason Random House chose to publish a false and damaging libel about us.

Defending our reputations over the recent months has involved further public comment and intrusion into our private lives.

Whilst we both found this extremely difficult and hurtful, we also believed it necessary to expose this lie, and prevent its repetition.

My wife is not a public figure. She should never have been subjected to such a malicious attack. Although I am a public figure this attack was not related to any public issue.

Our primary concern throughout has been to protect our family.

We welcome both the judgement and the end of this matter.

Now that the issue is finalised, we do not propose to make any further comment.


5 March 1999