Foreign Investment Review Board: Appointment of the Hon. Chris Miles

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Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Appointments
June 4, 1999
Appointment of Second Commissioner of Taxation
June 9, 1999
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission Appointments
June 4, 1999
Appointment of Second Commissioner of Taxation
June 9, 1999

Foreign Investment Review Board: Appointment of the Hon. Chris Miles




The Treasurer announced today the appointment of the Hon. Chris Miles as a part-time

member of the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) for a five-year term.

Mr Miles fills the vacancy on the FIRB created on the expiration of the five-year term

of Mr Graham Maguire. Mr Maguire joined the FIRB in 1993, having previously served

for a period of ten years as a Senator for South Australia. On behalf of the Government,

the Treasurer has thanked Mr Maguire for his valued contribution to the operations of

the FIRB.

Between 1984 and 1998 Mr Miles represented the seat of Braddon, Tasmania, in the House

of Representatives where from 1996 to 1998 he was the Parliamentary Secretary (Cabinet) to

the Prime Minister. In that capacity he had special responsibility for tax legislation in

the House of Representatives. Prior to his distinguished parliamentary career, Mr Miles

taught in the education systems of Tasmania, the ACT and NSW. Mr Miles is currently

Director of Corporate Development, Pacific Hills Education Ltd.

The other members of the FIRB are Mr John Phillips AM (Chairman), Ms Lynn Wood and

Ms Janine Murphy (Executive Member).


8 June 1999

Contact: Ms Janine Murphy

Telephone: (02) 6263 3763