GST, Rollback, US economy, interest rates, banks

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US interest rates, exchange rate, Reserve Bank, GST, Knowledge Nation, Reconciliation
June 28, 2001
Tax Reform
July 1, 2001
US interest rates, exchange rate, Reserve Bank, GST, Knowledge Nation, Reconciliation
June 28, 2001
Tax Reform
July 1, 2001

GST, Rollback, US economy, interest rates, banks

Transcript No. 2001/085





Interview on The Today Show

with Tracey Grimshaw

Friday, 29 June 2001

SUBJECTS: GST, Rollback, US economy, interest rates, banks


Well, it is unlikely there would have been a single day during the past 12

months when the Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello, hasnt been confronted by

three letters – GST. With the financial year coming to a close tomorrow, it

is time for business people to take stock of the controversial tax, and to talk

more about that were from, joined from Parliament House in Canberra by Peter


Treasurer good morning.


Thanks Tracey


Coming up to the first anniversary of the GST, will you be happy to put this

year behind you?


I think the first year as you move to the new system is going to be the hardest,

and from here on, we can continue to deliver further benefits like, the first

anniversary on Sunday, we cut company tax further, we abolish Financial Institutions

Duty, we abolish some stamp duties on shares. So you are now progressively seeing

other taxes abolished which is going to make things particularly better for

business and also for people who are saving with bank accounts over the coming



You said yesterday that nobody in Australia today says we should abolish the

GST, but I bet thered be plenty of small business people whod want to challenge

you on that?


Well, there is no political party that is promising to do it, Tracey. The Labor

Party, as you know, said that they were against GST and now they say if they

are elected they are going to keep it, and then they said they were going to

roll it back and still cant announce any of their details. And in fact, there

was a poll today that said 84 per cent of Australians dont believe them about

Rollback. So, there is no political party that has any interest at all in changing

the situation and that is because nobody would ever go back to the old tax system,

Wholesale Sales Tax system, and nobody would ever went to put up income taxes

and company taxes which would be necessary if you did go back to the old system.


Okay, but accounting group CPA Australia surveyed 300 small businesses who

said, 59 per cent of them believe the GST has had a negative impact on their

cash flow and 58 per cent expect that to continue. Does that view out there

among small businesses concern you?


Well, the first thing Id like to say, is, it has been a huge year of adjustment

and I pay tribute to the small business sector of Australia which overwhelmingly

has coped with the introduction of the new system, and that has been a big change

for them and we recognise the fact that it has been a change. And thats why

we say that the best thing you can do is to leave it unchanged. If anybody is

going to go round in the future and try and take things out or put things in,

all they are going to do is to complicate things. That is what Rollback is

complication. The best thing you can do now that business has made the transition

is to keep things with certainty so that they can get on with their business.


Alright, well let’s talk more broadly about the economy. To what extent should

we be bracing ourselves for a further slow-down in the US economy?


The US economy has slowed very dramatically through the course of this year

and the Federal Reserve has cut interest rates in America by 2.75 per cent which

is very aggressive, very quick. You have seen the US economy slow in terms of

investment, you have seen its stock markets come off. We dont know what the

June quarter is going to be, but the March quarter was weak, and the US economy

is very sluggish at the moment. Now the Japanese economy is probably in recession

and most of Asia is, or a good deal of Asia, is also in recession. So there

are pretty uncertain times in the world economy out there at the moment and

that will effect Australia – it has been effecting Australia. It means that

we have got to be very vigilant on economic policy.


Retailers are reporting a slump in sales, they are bringing their sales, their

mid-year sales forward. Would you not in that climate, and given the US economy,

the background of the US economy, would you not like to see the Australian Reserve

cut our interest rates even as insurance?


Well I cant comment on the future movement of interest rates. I can observe

that they are historically low. The mortgage interest rate is 6.8 per cent and

the second thing I think that has helped in relation to retail is the cuts in

income taxes. You will see in America they are now talking about cutting income

taxes to cope with their situation. The good thing was in Australia we cut income

taxes back on 1 July of last year for all taxpayers and for self-funded retirees

further income tax to come, income tax cuts to come, from 1 July this year.


Alright, just one final question. Where do you stand on CBA Chief, David Murrays

comments to the Press Club this week, that the bank may have to effectively

jettison its low yield customers if it is further regulated?


I dont think any bank should be jettisoning its low income customers. Low

income customers are entitled to banking services. It is a point I have made

to all of the banking chiefs, including Mr Murray, and well make sure that

the banks know that and that the banks continue to offer those kinds of services.


Alright, well leave it there. Thanks for your time.


Thanks Tracey.