Transcript No. 2000/06 TRANSCRIPT OF The Hon Peter Costello MP TREASURER
4QR Andrew Lofthouse and Cathy Border 12.05 pm (AEST) Tuesday, 1 February 2000 SUBJECT: GST, Telstra, Interest rates
Peter Costello, good morning.
Good morning Andrew.
Some of your Ministerial colleagues have demonstrated, at best, a bit of a shaky grasp of the GST, do you think youll have to be prepared for more damage control in the coming months?
Oh look, I think the educational process will go on. And I think its important, particularly for businesses, that were able to make sure that theyre easily accommodated into the tax changes, but thats nothing out of the ordinary. Whenever we change tax laws you have this educational process. Tax seems to be, generally, a complicated area. Income tax is probably the most complicated area of all of them. But its a fact of life that you need these taxes if youre going to have hospitals, and schools, and roads, and all of the things that we in a decent society want.
There are bound to be more demands for exemptions though, arent there?
Well look, people will always mount demands for favourable tax treatment of one kind or another, but the truth of the matter is that the more exemptions you grant the more complicated things become. Now we have a situation at the moment where we are taxing some goods at 12 per cent, and some at 22 per cent, and some at 32 per cent, and some at 47 per cent and some at 41 per cent, and this system grew up with exemptions and different coverages and different classifications and its led to enormous complexity. Now, you want to get away from that. What the Government has said is, you just should have one rate which is 10 per cent, you should apply it broadly, and with the money thats raised from that, what were going to do is increase pensions and cut income taxes so that people have more money in their pocket. Thats the best way, really, of running a tax system. Its the overseas experience. I think there are about 150 countries in the world now that either have a GST or a value added tax, and Australias really moving into line with international practice.
Is the other concern about further exemptions the pressure that that might put on the 10 per cent limit?
Its not that because the 10 per cent limit is fixed by an agreement between six States, two Territories and the Commonwealth, so that will never move . .
So Treasurer, this is it, is it, youve got it right this time, there will be no further exemptions?
. . . but in relation to exemptions, as I said earlier, the more exemptions you have the more complex it gets. And thats why the Government hasnt changed on any of the exemptions really since the policy was announced.
Your colleagues, some of your Ministerial colleagues, Im thinking of Joe Hockey in particular, have had some trouble grasping the GST. If your own colleagues are having trouble, surely theres going to be widespread confusion for some time to come?
Well, I dont think so. From the consumers point of view its simple, I mean, consumers, as they do now, will pay taxes which are embedded in the price of the goods, and they pay the price they see on the supermarket shelf or whatever and life goes on as normal . . .
Do you really think its simple, I mean, as soon as we mentioned the fact that we had you on this morning our phones have just gone berserk with people with question after question?
Well, whenever you change tax you have complexity. As somebody who runs the tax system, for example, changes in relation to capital gains tax are three or four times more complicated than this. Income tax is much more complicated. Ive never heard anybody argue, for example, that we should abolish income tax because its too complex. Fringe benefits tax is probably the most complicated tax there is in Australia. And the thing about taxes is that nobody particularly likes paying taxes, but if were going to defend our country, and if were going to have schools, and hospitals, and roads, you need to have a tax system. And this is just ensuring that we have sufficient money for the State Governments to provide schooling, health and education.
Can we quickly put a few questions to you that our callers would like answers to, be it a yes or no, will there be a GST on used cars?
Well, the situation in relation to cars is that, of course, cars are currently taxed, currently taxed at 22 per cent, so the tax on cars actually falls to 10 per cent. If its a private sale, people dont come into the tax system. But if its a dealer, or its a business of some kind or another, theyre liable for the 10 per cent, rather than in relation to new cars the 22 per cent which theyre currently paying.
Treasurer, had a letter from the Physical Disabilities Council of Queensland about repairs to hearing aids, and the Tax Office had given them a ruling that repairs to hearing aids that werent under warranty would be subject to GST, is that the case?
Well, I dont know which ruling theyre relying on, but if the Tax Office has given them the ruling, then the Tax Office would have carefully considered the area. One of the things that weve said for all of these queries is, that the Tax Office is going to turn them around within five days and give people individual and specific rulings, lest there is any doubt. Nothing new about this, incidentally. The Tax Office gives rulings probably every day of the week on income tax. Its been difficult to give rulings on wholesale sales tax because thats the tax were abolishing. Because that is so complicated, most of the areas there are now going to the courts. Its become very, very difficult. But one of the things that weve said from the Tax Office point of view is, that if there are areas where people want absolute surety, theyll be able to turn them around in five days, that will give people absolute surety. The thing to remember at the end of the day though, is, were abolishing the current taxes on goods, the wholesale sales taxes. Were abolishing a lot of financial taxes. But the most important thing is, we are cutting income taxes so that everybody has more money in their pocket. And we are increasing pensions so that pensioners have more money to cope with the price rises if there are some.
Treasurer, we appreciate the fact youve made yourself available today and I know the Tax Office has now launched that service promising to answer specific GST questions from business within five days, but as I mentioned earlier, we are just getting call after call wondering how the GST specifically applies to people. Would you be available to come back and take calls from people, to directly answer them?
Oh well, I take calls every day and Im more than happy to do that. But obviously, where people want particular rulings in relation to their business, one of the things weve set up because I cant give out tax rulings, obviously, that can only be done by the Tax Office, is that were giving out the, were getting the Tax Office to give out these rulings with the five day turnaround. And thats the proper way to do it and that gives people the surety of knowing that the Tax Office has looked at individual transactions and given a specific ruling.
So Treasurer, are you saying that there are a number of these instances where you yourself arent sure of what the specific rulings will be on particular items or services?
No, the policy and the legislation is set, and the policys been set by the Government. But, people often say, I have a particular kind of transaction, and youve got to actually look at a particular type of transaction sometimes to apply the policy to it. Theres nothing new about this. I think we all know the concept of income tax, dont we, that you pay tax on your income when you earn. But people will come along and theyll say, I have a contract, I dont know whether the money coming in under that contract is income or not, and they go to the Tax Office, the Tax Office has to look at the underlying transaction and say whether it is income or not. This is a normal process that we apply in relation to all areas of Government taxation, we apply it in relation to income tax . . .
But Treasurer . . .
. . . capital gains tax . . .
. . . it seems as . . .
. . . wholesale sales tax . . .
Treasurer, it seems as though that . . .
. . . to goods and services . . .
. . . it seems as though the goal posts move in some cases though. For example, I mentioned the hearing aid repairs where, not specifically hearing aids, but a whole range of equipment and goods that are provided, that are sold tax-free to people with disabilities are then going to be subject to a GST which is across a whole range of things which people have not been expecting.
Oh well, nothings changed in that particular area. The policy has always been clear in that particular area, that the medical appliances and the like are not taxable. As things change, you know, people say, oh a new product has come on the market, is that a medical appliance, and I suppose youve got to sit down and youve got to decide that. But, theres nothing different about that, were doing all of that at the moment. Under wholesale sales tax we have whole teams of people in Canberra who we sit down and they inspect all of these goods. And well be getting rid of a lot of that complexity which currently exists because at the moment we have teams of people who have to sit in Canberra and inspect all of these things and make rulings. Not only do they have to make rulings as to the nature of the good, but then they have to decide under the current law whether its taxed at 0, 12, 22, 32, 41, 47 per cent. So, one of the good things about having a flat rate is you dont have all of that complexity of the different rates.
A universal criticism of the GST has been that because its a tax on spending it actually impacts greatest on those least able to save. Has your need to reduce or soften that impact actually made it more complex for Australia?
Well you see, one of the great things about this is, it actually encourages saving. At the moment, as you know, we tax people on their earnings very highly, and if you save some money and you put your money in the bank and you earn some interest, we tax people very highly on the interest they earn on their savings. People on average incomes in Australia at the moment can pay 43 per cent more on any interest that they earn, any extra dollar that they earn, and thats why the Governments dramatically reducing income tax rates down to 30 per cent. So that if you do actually save, youll get to keep more of your saving and thats why its actually good economically to reduce taxes on income and saving, to encourage saving and to collect more of your taxes as people consume. Now, if you turn it around the other way, you know, people who consume more, you know, the people who lead the lifestyle of the luxury yacht and the expensive car and the restaurant meal, naturally theyre going to pay more in tax because theyll be spending more and thats only fair.
Treasurer, time is getting away from us, a few quick ones if we could? Your comments regarding infrastructure improvements and the continued sell-off of Telstra has drawn a scathing response from the Queensland Farmers Federation. Richard Armstrong , their President, saying, that youre showing utter contempt for rural and regional Australia.
Oh well, hes obviously entitled to his position, but the fact of the matter is that 49 per cent of Telstra has been sold, and I think there are now something like two million Australians that currently have shares in Telstra, including a whole lot of people whove never owned a share before in their lives. And I think those two million Australians are very glad to invest in Telstra.
But weve got John Howard in the bush trying to woo the bush vote at the moment, and here we have a leading farming group saying, the bush has no future under a Liberal-led Coalition.
Well, I havent seen those comments, but can I say . . .
Thats what they say.
. . . can I say, two million Australians having a share in Telstra. And I warrant to you a lot of those people live in rural and regional Australia as well, and they love the opportunity to get an investment in Telstra. Now if the Government locks up taxpayers money in Telstra, that just means weve got less money for roads, and hospitals, and schools. But if youd rather not lock your money up in the telecommunications company then the Government has more money for roads and hospitals and schools, and I think Id rather invest the taxpayers dollars in that sort of infrastructure then . . .
So no need to be worried about the Farmers Federation and their concerns?
Well look, I havent seen the particular comments, but, you know, obviously people have different views. The Labor Party is, although it was quite happy to sell Qantas, the Commonwealth Bank, it says we should invest in telecommunications companies. I actually think that, you know, your taxpayers dollars would be better spent in basic social infrastructure rather than telecommunications companies.
But Treasurer, if the National Party stirs up the Telstra sale issue and there are hiccups on the GST details, that could ultimately be costly for the Government, couldnt it?
Oh look, if, you know, people stir up trouble, theres no Government that would say, it likes people stirring up trouble. But I think from the farming point, you go back to the farmers, most farm product is exported, and at the moment under our current tax system, taxes are built into those exports. Now, the one great advantage for the farmers of Australia under a new tax system is that all exports are tax free. They are great – anyone who is an exporter, and most farming products are exported – is a great winner under tax reform, because their exports go out of this country, like everybody else in the world is doing tax-free. We must be one of the few countries in the world at the moment that taxes our export products with embedded wholesale sales tax. Everybody else whos got a value added tax or a GST is getting their products out of their country tax free and why, Australia would be the biggest mug in the world if we let everybody else do it and we failed to reform our taxation system to give our farmers those same benefits.
A final quick one if we may? The Reserve Bank considering interest rates, what are you expecting to happen?
I never comment on the future movement of interest rates because, you know, obviously, I might influence sentiment. So its something I have to studiously be careful not to influence one way or the other.
Well I do hope we can have you back to speak to some Queenslanders about GST, we look forward to that.
Its always a great pleasure, if I may say so. Thank you very much for your time.
The Federal Treasurer, Peter Costello, joining us. |