Improving Australias Tax Consultation System: Report by the Board of Taxation

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Government Amendments to the Trade Practices Act 1974 – Secondary Boycotts
August 15, 2007
Financial markets, uranium, RBA Governors testimony – Press Conference, Treasury Place, Melbourne
August 17, 2007
Government Amendments to the Trade Practices Act 1974 – Secondary Boycotts
August 15, 2007
Financial markets, uranium, RBA Governors testimony – Press Conference, Treasury Place, Melbourne
August 17, 2007

Improving Australias Tax Consultation System: Report by the Board of Taxation


Improving Australia’s Tax Consultation System:  Report by the Board of Taxation

I am today announcing improvements to the arrangements for community consultation in the development of tax legislation.

These changes are in response to the recommendations by the Board of Taxation in the report Improving Australia’s Tax Consultation System.  They build on the significant changes to community consultation on tax legislation which the Government introduced in 2002.

The Board was asked, in conjunction with Treasury, to review international consultation processes with a view to identifying any improvements to the Australian system, especially in respect of non‑controversial minor policy or technical amendments, and report to Government.

The review has found that Australia’s existing tax consultation arrangements have improved significantly since 2002, are consistent with international practice, are generally functioning well and have community support. 

Building on existing arrangements, the report identifies opportunities for all involved to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of consultation which should ultimately improve tax system outcomes.

The report makes twelve recommendations on ways in which Government, officials, external stakeholders and the Board itself can work together to improve Australia’s tax consultation system. The recommendations and the full report are available on the Board of Taxation website at

The Government endorses the Board’s recommendations and will be working with the community to implement them.

I would like to thank the Board of Taxation for its excellent work in producing the report.  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contribute to the tax consultation processes. The implementation of these recommendations will enhance the valuable work they perform.


16 August 2007

Contact: Renae Stoikos – 02 6277 7340