International Economy,  Exports,  Foreign Investment

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IMF/World Bank Meetings Focus on World Economic Outlook and Reducing Poverty
April 30, 2001
The OECD Expects Growth Rebound in Australia
May 3, 2001
IMF/World Bank Meetings Focus on World Economic Outlook and Reducing Poverty
April 30, 2001
The OECD Expects Growth Rebound in Australia
May 3, 2001

International Economy,  Exports,  Foreign Investment

Transcript No. 2001/049



The Hon Peter Costello MP


Interview by Michael Carey, ABC Radio, AM

Washington DC, USA

Tuesday, 1 May 2001

8.00am (Australian time)

SUBJECTS: International Economy, Exports, Foreign Investment


The Treasurer, Peter Costello, has been in Washington over the weekend, joining with

other Finance Ministers from around the world to ponder the worrying state of the global

economy. The Treasurer’s been attending IMF and World Bank meetings, putting the case

that Australia’s fundamentals remain good, and that the country is poised to resume

strong economic growth. But correspondent Michael Carey asked Mr Costello if that

resumption was being held up by deteriorating conditions for Australia’s major

trading partners.


What it does for Australia is, it means that if the world is growing slower, then there

will be less demand for your exports and that commodity prices you would expect to be

weaker and that will affect the incomes that we earn. The good news for Australia is that

now that we’ve taken taxes off exports under our tax reforms, our exports are much

more competitive on world markets. With the recent exchange rate, they are

super-competitive on world markets and we can actually have significant exports

continuing, notwithstanding the downturn. But the downturn will nonetheless affect us as

it will affect all of the world. It’ll make things just that little bit more



Regardless, Australia does clearly need direct foreign investment. Have you had to

explain the Woodside deal? Has there been any curiosity as to what, whether that signifies

a policy shift on behalf of Australia?


The situation over here is that people don’t find it that unusual. The United

States protects its national interest. Other countries protect their national interest.

This is an example of where I made a decision in Australia’s national interest. It

does not represent a significant change in our foreign investment policy because investors

know, we operate one of the most liberal policies in the world.

But when you are talking about a project which is our largest energy project, which

already has substantial foreign investment, and the question relates to who should operate

and manage that, you’re entitled to look carefully at the national interest. Other

countries do it, and Australia did it.


Treasurer, Peter Costello.