National Accounts: September Quarter 2004

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James Hardie Investigations and Proceedings
November 30, 2004
Economy, Telstra, Eureka – Interview with Neil Mitchell, 3AW
December 2, 2004
James Hardie Investigations and Proceedings
November 30, 2004
Economy, Telstra, Eureka – Interview with Neil Mitchell, 3AW
December 2, 2004

National Accounts: September Quarter 2004



Today’s National Accounts indicate that economic activity slowed in Australia

in the September quarter 2004. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rose by 0.3percent

during the quarter, to be 3percent higher through the

year. Domestic demand continued to grow at a solid pace, driven by strong growth

in household consumption. While the external sector subtracted from growth,

the large increase in the terms of trade provided a significant boost to domestic


Household consumption rose by 1.1percent in the September

quarter and by 5.4percent through the year. Household consumption continues

to be supported by high levels of consumer confidence and robust employment

growth. However, a slowing in the housing sector and sustained high oil prices

are expected to have a moderating influence on consumption over the coming quarters.

Dwelling investment declined by 1.1percent in the September

quarter, with new dwelling investment down by 0.9 percent and alterations and

additions down by 1.2percent. The forward indicators of dwelling investment

point to further modest falls in activity in the period ahead.

Business investment rose by 0.8 percent in the September quarter and remains

at very high levels. Machinery and equipment investment increased by 4.6percent,

while non-dwelling construction fell by 6.8percent as some major projects

were completed. The prospects for business investment remain favourable, supported

by high levels of capacity utilisation, sound corporate balance sheets and healthy

profits. Although private non-financial corporate profits fell by 0.2percent

in the quarter, profits were 9.4percent higher through the year. The profit

share of GDP at 26.8 per cent is still at near record levels.

Net exports subtracted around 0.8 of a percentage point

from GDP in the September quarter. Exports fell by 3.2percent, but were up

by 4.7percent through the year. The fall in exports in the quarter was broadly-based,

with declines recorded in rural and non-rural commodity exports, manufactures,

and to a lesser extent, service exports. Imports rose by 0.8percent in the

quarter, to be 13.5percent higher through the year. Growth in import volumes

was underpinned by imports of capital goods.

The terms of trade rose by a further 2.3percent in the quarter and by 10.8

per cent through the year. This reflected higher export prices, which rose by

around 10 per cent over the year and a fall in import prices. Australia’s

terms of trade is now at its highest level since 1974.

Farm production rose by 0.6percent in the Septemberquarter, following an

increase of 28.5percent in 2003-04. Subdued growth in farm production was

reflected in weaker rural commodity exports. Recovery in the farm sector is

expected to continue, although concerns persist over the possibility of continuing

dry conditions.

Despite slower growth in the September quarter, the outlook for the economy

is positive. An easing in domestic demand from the exceptionally strong growth

rates of 2003-04 has been in prospect for some time. While export growth has

been held down by capacity constraints and a high exchange rate, the strong

world economy and large investments in the resources sector should see growth

in Australian exports improve in the period ahead.

Prospects for the Australian economy remain favourable with the unemployment

rate at 27 year lows, moderate wage outcomes and low inflation.


1 December 2004

Contact: David Alexander

02 6277 7340