Nomination of Australian Executive Director to the World Bank, Washington

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Board for a New Tax System, Capital Gains Tax, Business Tax
July 4, 1999
Royal Assent for GST Bills, US lamb imports, employment, Brighton, car prices
July 8, 1999
Board for a New Tax System, Capital Gains Tax, Business Tax
July 4, 1999
Royal Assent for GST Bills, US lamb imports, employment, Brighton, car prices
July 8, 1999

Nomination of Australian Executive Director to the World Bank, Washington




The Treasurer, the Hon Peter Costello, MP, today announced the nomination of Mr Neil

Hyden, Chief Adviser (International), Department of the Treasury, to the position of

Executive Director of the World Bank in Washington.

Mr Hyden will be representing a constituency of countries within the World Bank, the

members of which are:Australia; Cambodia; Kiribati; Korea; Marshall Islands; the Federated

States of Micronesia; Mongolia; New Zealand; Palau; Papua New Guinea; Samoa; Solomon

Islands and Vanuatu. His appointment will be confirmed following an election by the World

Bank Governors from these countries.

The term of the current Executive Director representing our World Bank constituency,

Mr Young-Hoi Lee, ends on 31 July 1999. Mr Hyden is expected to take up his position

on 1 August 1999.

Australia has been a member of the World Bank since 1947. The World Bank’s mission

is to promote sustainable development, poverty alleviation and structural reform in

developing countries through provision of policy advice, concessional loans and technical

assistance. Over the past two years it has been a key player in assisting recovery and

reform in crisis-affected economies in East Asia, pledging some US$16 billion (in addition

to its regular lending program) to address the extra demands that arose from the crisis.

Mr Hyden has had a distinguished Treasury career, with a decade of experience in

dealing with the international financial institutions and in advancing more broadly

Australia’s interests in international fora. He was a member of the Multilateral

Development Task Force, established in 1995-96, which laid out strategic directions for

the future operations of the multilateral development banks. He chaired the APEC

Investment Experts Group in 1996-98; and was a member of the G-22 working group on

transparency and accountability established in 1998 as part of the review of the

international financial architecture. More recently, Mr Hyden has taken a prominent role

in advancing the implementation of the recommendations of the Prime Ministers’ Task

Force on International Financial Reform.


5 July 1999