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Appointment of Second Commissioner of Taxation
June 9, 1999
Australia to Join Financial Stability Forum
June 22, 1999
Appointment of Second Commissioner of Taxation
June 9, 1999
Australia to Join Financial Stability Forum
June 22, 1999

Review of Business Taxation



The Government has agreed to a request by Mr John Ralph AO that the reporting date for

the Review of Business Taxation be extended to 30 July 1999.

The Review of Business Taxation, which is chaired by Mr Ralph and includes Mr Rick

Allert AM and Mr Bob Joss, was to report to Government by 30 June 1999.

In accordance with the agreement with the Democrats on taxation reform as outlined in

the Prime Minister’s letter of 28 May to Senator Lees, the Government has referred to

the Review for consideration the merits of a 20 per cent alternative minimum company tax

and measures to limit the use of company structures for personal services. The Review is

already examining the concessional FBT treatment of company cars.

Given the extensive work underway, including in particular the consultative nature of

the process, combined with the additional issues the Review has been asked to consider, Mr

Ralph requested that the date the Review is to report to the Government be extended by one

month to 30 July 1999. The Government has agreed to this request.



17 June 1999