Treasury Portfolio – Allocation of Ministerial Functions

2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Labor’s Latham on Wealth Taxes
November 12, 2003
MedicarePlus, Victorian Senators, Negative Gearing, MYEFO – Doorstop Interview with Millenium Forum Lunch, Sydney
November 20, 2003
Labor’s Latham on Wealth Taxes
November 12, 2003
MedicarePlus, Victorian Senators, Negative Gearing, MYEFO – Doorstop Interview with Millenium Forum Lunch, Sydney
November 20, 2003

Treasury Portfolio – Allocation of Ministerial Functions



With the appointment of Mr Ross Cameron MP as Parliamentary Secretary

to the Treasurer, I would like to announce his responsibilities within

the Treasury portfolio.

I have invited Mr Cameron, as Parliamentary Secretary, to assist me in

handling matters in relation to financial market conduct, disclosure

and supervision, corporate governance, consumer affairs, foreign investment

and the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Productivity


Senator Coonan’s responsibilities as Minister for Revenue and Assistant

Treasurer remain unchanged. The attached table sets out general areas

of responsibility.

I look forward to working with my portfolio ministers as a Treasury team

committed to continuing the Coalition Government’s outstanding track

record of sound economic management in Australia’s national interest.


13 November 2003

Contact: David Alexander

02 6277 7340

Minister for Revenue

and Assistant Treasurer

Parliamentary Secretary

to the Treasurer

Assists the Treasurer in the development,

implementation and administration of policies, including in

the following areas:


  • Taxation policy including the design of taxation laws;
  • Implementation of the business tax reforms;
  • Administration of taxation laws and administrative matters

    relating to the Australian Taxation Office; and

  • Taxation proposals in relation to compliance.


  • Taxation policy and administration in relation to superannuation.

Prudential Regulation and Financial Institutions

  • Administration of APRA;
  • Prudential regulation of superannuation and insurance but

    not the banking system;

  • Government response to the HIH Royal Commission;
  • HIH Claims Support;
  • Safety of superannuation review, and
  • Levies on financial institutions; cheques and bills of


Other Responsibilities

  • Representational duties, correspondence and administrative

    matters in general Portfolio matters as referred by the Treasurer.

Assists the Treasurer in the development,

implementation and administration of policies in the following


Financial Markets

  • Financial market conduct, disclosure and supervision issues

    (excluding prudential, monetary and foreign exchange policy)

    including the design, implementation and administration of

    legislation relating to markets, services and products.

  • Securities market linkages between Australia and overseas.

Corporate Governance

  • Design of law and regulations for corporate governance,


  • Administration of ASIC and representation on MINCO.

Foreign Investment

  • Dealing with individual cases, other than major and / or

    sensitive cases.

Competition and Structural Reform

  • Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the

    Productivity Commission.

Consumer Affairs

  • Responsibility for implementation and administration of

    consumer protection policy, including education and consumer

    product safety, and consultative arrangements with the States

    and industry bodies.

Other responsibilities

  • Representational duties, correspondence and administrative

    matters in general Portfolio matters as referred by the Treasurer.

  • ABS, HLIC and RAM; currency and coinage and Office of Regulation
