Australian Paralympic Team 2000 Launch: Paralympics, Entry Fees Payment by Federal Government

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Consumer Price Index – June Quarter 2000
July 26, 2000
Budget, Tax Cuts, Leadership, Wages, Superannuation, Sydney Airport
July 28, 2000
Consumer Price Index – June Quarter 2000
July 26, 2000
Budget, Tax Cuts, Leadership, Wages, Superannuation, Sydney Airport
July 28, 2000

Australian Paralympic Team 2000 Launch: Paralympics, Entry Fees Payment by Federal Government

Transcript No. 2000/83





Doorstop Interview

Australian Paralympic Team 2000 Launch


Thursday, 27 July 2000

12.00 noon

SUBJECT: Paralympics, Entry Fees Payment by Federal Government


Do you agree you are feeling generous? Why this decision?



Well, first of all I just want to congratulate all of Australia’s Paralympians. It

is our biggest team ever, it’s going to be here in Sydney, it’s going to be on

home turf, it’s going to have fabulous support from the Australian public and

we’re proud of them and I’m sure they are going to do Australia proud. Today, in

addition to the funding that the Commonwealth Government has already announced to stage

the Games and also to help school children with tickets, and athletes with preparation, we

have announced in addition that the Commonwealth Government will be paying $550,000 to

cover the entry fees for all of Australia’s Paralympic athletes, so that no

Paralympic athlete would be banned from competition by the entry fee and the Commonwealth

will show it’s support by paying all of those fees – $550,000 for Australia’s

Paralympians. So, I think that’s a show of support from the Australian people for a

wonderful team on a wonderful day.



Treasurer, I was watching you during the ceremony and you seemed to take a phone call

mid way through it. Was that the phone call?



Well, we were just teeing up the finances and I can also say in addition to the

$550,000 we will be contributing $150,000 to the International Committee which will help

those nations which are unable to contribute fully for their athletes in relation to

Paralympic athletes from other countries as well.



I guess it’s a rare day when a Federal Treasurer is cheered as well?



Well, that’s right. Treasurers generally taking it, very rarely giving it. But

there you go. It’s a great cause. And I think the important thing is this that

Australians feel very proud of their Paralympians. This team came second in Atlanta to the

United States. These Games are going to be bigger than the Melbourne Olympics. This is a

very serious international sporting event which Australia is very good at. And I think

with a home town crowd and our largest team ever in Sydney 2000 we will all be very proud

of their activities.



Treasurer, how do you think Australians will perceive this decision? How do you think

they will see this?



I think the Australian public will welcome the fact that the Government is contributing

$550,000. It’s on behalf of the Australian public, $550,000 to pay the entry fees for

Australia’s Paralympians. And remember this, that the people that have been chosen

today have been training for years, they’ve gone through selections, there has been

an independent selection, they have been chosen to represent their country, and on behalf

of the people of Australia the Government will make it available for them by paying their

entry fees.



Treasurer, why did the Government take so long to make this decision?



Well, let’s not dwell on the timing, but let’s say it’s a great result,

it’s a good result, and I think it was pretty warmly received by the athletes

themselves and I’m sure it will be warmly received by the Australian public. Thanks.