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Legislation Review of the Broadcasting Services ACT 1992
March 4, 1999
Senate obstruction, tax reform, stockmarket
March 16, 1999
Legislation Review of the Broadcasting Services ACT 1992
March 4, 1999
Senate obstruction, tax reform, stockmarket
March 16, 1999

Defamation case

Transcript No. 99/14


Hon Peter Costello MP

Doorstop Interview

Friday, 5 March 1999

11.30 am


SUBJECTS: Defamation Case


I welcome the decision of the court today. I hope that this matter is finally over.

It was a terrible libel. Random House should never have published it, and my wife and I

took action to defend our family, and we are pleased that the court has vindicated us

against this libel.

And we don’t propose to say any more.
