Environment, Victorian election

2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998
Housing figures; Point Nepean
October 31, 2002
US interest rates; Labour force; Australian growth forecasts; Mid Year Review; US economy
November 7, 2002
Housing figures; Point Nepean
October 31, 2002
US interest rates; Labour force; Australian growth forecasts; Mid Year Review; US economy
November 7, 2002

Environment, Victorian election


Doorstop Interview
Tuesday, 5 November 2002
9.40 am

SUBJECTS: Environment, Victorian election




Well look, the Government has already put in place, as you know, the Natural Heritage Trust

and the National Action Plan on Salinity. And they are both very major environmental

programmes. The first, of course, funded from part privatisation of Telstra.

And they are programmes which are making a major contribution to the environment,

and they are programmes, I believe, which have the capacity to deal with salinity.


Will any further funding be tied to the sale of the rest of Telstra?


We have always said in relation to Telstra that the proceeds of Telstra should

be used to repay Labor debt, and that gives Australians savings year after year.

Not just for now, but for the years to come, to free them from Labor debt. Now,

out of the proceeds of the first part of Telstra, we set up the National Heritage

Trust, I think with a billion dollars, but everything else went to the repayment

of debt, and the proceeds from any further sale should be directed also at repaying

Labor debt.


Is it a realistic aim to have a drought-free Australia, though?


Well look, I think it is important for the sake of Australia’s farmers that

we do what we can to assist in times of terrible drought. We have introduced

a number of programmes and we always stand ready to review their effect.


How do you rate Rob Doyle’s chances in Victoria?


Steve Bracks goes into the Victorian election as the favourite. There is no

doubt about that. He is in front in the polls, he is an incumbent government

and he is pretty confident that he will win. That is why he has called an early

election. But do not under-estimate Robert Doyle. He is a fighter, he is somebody

who has a very clear view of where he wants to take Victoria, and he will be

contesting this election day in, day out, bringing home to Victorians the importance

of good economic management, and he is somebody who is very committed to Victoria

and its future.


Will you be campaigning?

