Honouring Our World War II Veterans

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National Sports Museum to Open
March 12, 2008
Defence Medal Presentation in Higgins
April 16, 2008
National Sports Museum to Open
March 12, 2008
Defence Medal Presentation in Higgins
April 16, 2008

Honouring Our World War II Veterans

The federal member for Higgins, Peter Costello, today called for applications for Certificates of Appreciation from eligible Australian servicemen and women who served their country in the Second World War.


Certificates of Appreciation are available to those who served overseas in wars, conflicts and peace operations during the Second World War, The British Commonwealth Occupation Force (Japan), Korean War, Malayan Emergency, Indonesian Confrontation, Vietnam War, Gulf War and Peace Operations. They are also available to civilians and those who served in the defence forces or on the home front during the Second World War.


“As a country we are grateful to those dedicated fellow Australians who put their lives on the line in the service of our nation”, Mr Costello said.


“Servicemen and women have put their lives on the line in conflicts and in the name of peace”, Mr Costello said.


“The certificates provide recognition of the efforts of the many Australian veterans who have served our nation”, Mr Costello said.


The certificates are available under the Australian Government’s Saluting Their Service Commemorations programme.


More information about Certificates of Appreciations and how to apply is available at www.dva.gov.au/factsheets, by telephoning 133 254, or the office of Peter Costello on 9822 4422.