Liberal Party National Convention Address – Introduction of Prime Minister

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Labor Party, Housing, Liberal Party Convention, Paid Maternity Leave – Doorstop Interview
June 6, 2003
Chief Executive of Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation
June 11, 2003
Labor Party, Housing, Liberal Party Convention, Paid Maternity Leave – Doorstop Interview
June 6, 2003
Chief Executive of Australian Reinsurance Pool Corporation
June 11, 2003

Liberal Party National Convention Address – Introduction of Prime Minister


Liberal Party National Convention Address


Sunday, 8 June 2003

11.25 am (Central Time)

SUBJECTS: Introduction of Prime Minister

Prime Minister and Mrs Howard, Federal President Shane Stone, Federal Executive,

fellow Members of Parliament, Delegates, one and all.

This has been a fabulous Convention. The best thing about it, unlike the Labor

Party, it is a Convention that ended without one fist fight.

Our political opponents have not had a good week. In fact, looking at the Opposition

has reminded me very much of a bad reality TV show. A kind of cross between

the Osbournes and Big Brother. You put a dysfunctional family together, you

put a television camera and you try and think who is the worst. You put in a

few sons of Whitlam Government Ministers, a couple of factional bosses, a few

trade union leaders, three roosters, two planespotters, somebody that is on

a wanted list from the Sydney taxi drivers, and next Monday is eviction night!

Who do you think should be voted out of the ALP Big Brother household? If we

had our way it would be all of them! Now we see two sons of Whitlam Government

Ministers fight for the right to implement the Whitlam Government legacy – unfunded

promises, big deficits, higher inflation, higher interest rates to take up where

Whitlam left off. We say, no Beazley, no Crean, no Labor, none of them!

When we had our last Convention three years ago, it was before September 11th,

it was before Australia’s commitment to Afghanistan, it was before Bali, and

it was before Australia’s commitment to Iraq. Let’s make no bones about it,

the world has changed in a very dramatic way over the last three years. And

as we saw Australia confront these security challenges, we determined that we

would strengthen our country. We need to pay great tribute to the leadership,

which was shown by John Howard, particularly in relation to Australia’s commitment

to Iraq. This was not a popular commitment. It was something that the polls

showed was opposed by a majority of Australians. It was something that many

in the press were against. There were people in other countries around the world

that did not share the same commitment to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction.

As usual, when a tough decision had to be made the Labor Party fell apart and

refused to back the National interest. And I also pay tribute, of course, to

people like the Foreign Minister, Alexander, and to Robert Hill the Defence

Minister, but let’s make no bones about this, this was the leadership of John

Howard in relation to Iraq and Australia’s commitment. He had the courage of

his convictions to lead in this important respect and all Australians owe him

a gratitude of debt for it.

The reason we gather as the Liberal Party is simply this, Australia needs good

government. It is that simple. Because Australia needs good government, Australia

needs a Liberal Government. That is why we are members of the Liberal Party.

The people of Australia need good government. Because this government is determined

to lead in relation to security and foreign affairs, because we have determined

to run a strong economy to stare down the Asian financial crisis and the US

recession. Because we have determined to retire $63 billion of Labor Party debt,

and keep interest rates low, 1 ¼ million more Australians are now in

work. There are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of young Australians

who have been able to buy a home with low interest rates. We have been able

to make Australia strong. To stand against the buffeting winds of the Asian

financial crisis and global insecurity. We have been able to reduce the debt

costs of government interest so that we can put more of your taxpayers dollars

into hospitals and schools and build a better future for our young people and

look after our old. Because we have been able to run a strong economy we have

given hundreds of thousands, millions of Australians better opportunities than

they otherwise would have had. The chance of an apprenticeship, and literacy

and numeracy and a house and a job, and all of those things that give families

stability. That is what good government is all about, that is what Liberal Government

is all about, will you welcome the Prime Minister to give his speech, the Honourable

John Howard Prime Minister of Australia.