McMillan, telecommunications, dairy industry, family payments, Prime Minister’s birthday – Doorstop Interview, Leongatha

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Bali Bombings, industrial relations reform – Doorstop Interview, Victoria
July 24, 2004
Liverpool Council, Latham, Free Trade Agreements, gambling – Doorstop Interview, Treasury Place, Melbourne
July 27, 2004
Bali Bombings, industrial relations reform – Doorstop Interview, Victoria
July 24, 2004
Liverpool Council, Latham, Free Trade Agreements, gambling – Doorstop Interview, Treasury Place, Melbourne
July 27, 2004

McMillan, telecommunications, dairy industry, family payments, Prime Minister’s birthday – Doorstop Interview, Leongatha


Doorstop Interview
Bair Street, Leongatha

Monday, 26 July 2004

12 noon


SUBJECTS: McMillan, telecommunications, dairy industry, family payments,

Prime Minister’s birthday




(inaudible) today, meeting locals and talking to community representatives

and supporting Russell Broadbent, the Liberal candidate for McMillan. Obviously

some of the issues that we have been discussing relate to small business, community

support. The Government today has announced the signing up of DCS to provide

internet services in regional Victoria as part of a concerted move to improve

access to telecommunications and I am very pleased to be here today, the day

of that announcement. But it is great to be out here in this wonderfully wet

weather, campaigning and supporting my very good friend.


(inaudible) particular region, what are you seeing as the issues, you have

had a few folk talk to you already?


A few folk have spoken to me already about the dairy industry, obviously that

is a big issue, small business, a lot of interest in interest rates and what

could happen if interest rates go up if there is a change of government and

a lot of interest I think in community services in this area and encouraging

community services, so we are getting some great feedback with some of the locals.


Is this seat a bit of a worry for you in this election considering the electoral

boundary changes and now that it is a marginal seat?


Well, it is currently held by the Labor Party and the boundaries have changed,

and the Government will be working hard to support Russell Broadbent who is

running for election in this area. Russell wants to win the trust and the confidence

of the people of McMillan, and it will be a hard fight, yes it will be. It is

a very marginal seat this one, but I am confident that with the work that he

is doing on the ground and the connections that he has with local people that

Russell is making a very good campaign.


So what are you offering to, I suppose, the dairy farmers first of all?


Well, the Government has put in place a $2 billion package, the dairy industry

adjustment package, which is there to support the dairy industry during the

period of state based de-regulation. And we have put together regional assistance

programs which have been helping local businesses here with other employment

opportunities. So, we have a very active program of regional assistance to ensure

that there is that adjustment for areas that need adjustment from an economic

point of view, and with on-going policy, what we want to do of course is support

all businesses with low interest rates, low taxes, strong consumer sentiment

and profitability.


(inaudible) the difference in prices between (inaudible) supermarket shelf?


Well, as I said, we have got a $2 billion adjustment package which can support

those farmers that need assistance with adjustment and rural assistance programs

to help with other industries where they are needed to actually increase employment

opportunities. But as I have been travelling through the electorate, employment

opportunities have increased considerably under the Government’s economic

management in recent years, and I don’t want to see that put at risk.

If you had a change of government and interest rates go up again, remember they

were at 17 per cent the last time the Labor Party was in office. All of that

could be put at risk.


And that obviously goes onto small business?


Absolutely. Overdraft interest rates under the last Labor Government were

at 22 per cent and that make things incredibly difficult for small business,

so we have got to keep interest rates low, the economy strong to help small

business create jobs.


(inaudible) talking about an increase in (inaudible) campaign (inaudible)

for quite some time now, I know it says (inaudible)?


Well, what we have done is we have set aside a fund which is over $100 million,

and we have announced today that the provider DCS will be entitled to access

that fund to supply internet and broadband to Gippsland and Eastern Victoria,

so it will apply to those areas and it is a question of the company rolling

out (inaudible) funding which the Federal Government has set aside for it.


And there has also been some (inaudible) for families?


Yes, in fact one of the people that came across and spoke to me as we were

having a coffee was a father of four, who lives in the area, and under the Government’s

most recent Budget, we announced the $600 payment in respect of each child for

qualifying families, which for that family was $2,400, and that annual payment

of an additional $600 per child will continue and be paid annually under our

Government and we have also announced that if there is anyone that fell through

the cracks, we would be picking them up as well through the Centrelink process.


Now, it is Prime Minister Howard’s birthday today, any birthday wishes?


Have a happy birthday and I hope he has the opportunity to spend the night

with his family, because when you are involved in public life you are away a

lot and the thing you look forward to the most is a night at home. So, a night

at home with warming refreshments is what I would wish for him for his birthday.


And does this mean that you will (inaudible) leadership?


Well, I am obviously running for re-election as the Deputy Leader of the Party

and in my own seat, and if I get the opportunity to serve in the Government

I would be very happy to continue to serve as Treasurer.


And just one final question…


One final question.


…Mr Latham’s appearance today on Kerri-Anne Kennerly, do you think,

you know, did you do a better job? I think he was making curry, you were a bit

more adventurous with the (inaudible).


Well, I would say to Mark, after you have danced the Macarena and wrestled

with pythons, you think that you can cope with practically anything that commercial

television throws up, so I wish him a bit more experience on the dancing and

the python front to add to his curriculum vitae.