Stamp duty, Reserve Bank, cattle industry, Northern Territory – Doorstop Interview, Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association Conference, Alice Springs

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2005-2006 Budget – Media Lock-up Arrangements
April 6, 2005
Corporations Law, GST, Budget – Doorstoop Interview, Treasury Place, Melbourne
April 11, 2005
2005-2006 Budget – Media Lock-up Arrangements
April 6, 2005
Corporations Law, GST, Budget – Doorstoop Interview, Treasury Place, Melbourne
April 11, 2005

Stamp duty, Reserve Bank, cattle industry, Northern Territory – Doorstop Interview, Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association Conference, Alice Springs

Doorstop Interview
Northern Territory Cattlemen’s Association Conference,

Alice Springs

Friday, 8 April 2005
3.50 pm CST

SUBJECTS: Stamp duty, Reserve Bank, cattle industry, Northern Territory


Over the next five years from 1 July 2006, the Northern Territory will be receiving

a windfall in GST of $683 million. The Federal Government has put forward a

proposal which would see $101million of that cut by abolishing some stamp duties,

as part of the original GST deal, still leaving the Territory in a windfall

position. It is very important that the Agreement which introduced the GST is

honoured in full, and that those other State stamp duties, which are subject

to that Agreement, are abolished. And so I am calling on the Northern Territory

government, together with the other States, to uphold the original Inter-Governmental

Agreement to abolish stamp duties, and to use the growing GST windfall to do



The Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank, Glenn Stevens, has said in Sydney

today that the ReserveBank wrote to the Liberal Party, asking it to withdraw

the Reserve Bank’s name from its election advertising, and that this wasn’t

done. Is there any reason why that wasn’t done?


Let me make it clear – the Reserve Bank has not been in touch with the

Federal Liberal Party or the Federal Liberal Party campaign director. The Reserve

Bank has lodged no complaint with me. Apparently what happened was that in an

electorate somebody raised a leaflet with the Bank, which sent it across to

the Australian Electoral Commission, and the Australian Electoral Commission

found that it was in accordance with the Act. That is it. The Electoral Commission

investigated it and found it was in accordance with the Act. So, it looks as

if due process was followed. The independent Australian Electoral Commission,

once it had a look at the matter, thought that there was no problem.


Surely, though, the fact that they investigated it shows that they did have

some serious concerns about the use of the Reserve Bank’s name on your

electoral advertising?


No. Somebody, as I understand it, somebody got in touch with the Reserve Bank.

The ReserveBank did the proper thing. It referred it to the Australian Electoral

Commission. The Australian Electoral Commission said no breach of the Act.


So you don’t have any concerns about [inaudible]?


None whatsoever. The Reserve Bank refers it to the Electoral Commission and

the ElectoralCommission says consistent with the Act. Story over.


Two board members of the Reserve Bank have commented on the reasons why interest

rates were left steady earlier this week and that does break with certain protocols

as far as commenting on the reasons for rate changes. Are you concerned that

that undermines the Reserve Bank at all and their decision not to comment?


Normally the statements on behalf of the Reserve Bank are made by the Governor,

who is the Chairman of the Board. What individual Board members do is a matter

for them and the rest of the Board to decide, and this is a matter that the

Board will have to consider. It is not for me to advise them in relation to



Are there any issues out of today’s Cattlemen’s meeting that you

might take back to Canberra with you? May even sneak into the Budget, perhaps?


Well look, I think that there was general interest in the fact that we are

reforming the excise system further and we have laid down a plan to take all

excise off business use of diesel and petrol. I also indicated the large sums

that the Commonwealth has given under the Auslink programme to improve transport,

particularly in Darwin, and I think there seems to be a lot of interest in that.

And if I could get more free trade openings around the world to help out cattle

exports, I think they would treat me as a hero, too. And I want to say I am

working on that.


The central Australian region isn’t having a fantastic time at the moment,

sort of heading into drought conditions now. The Cattlemen’s Association

have said that they’re going to try and put a bit of pressure on you to

consider them in future for exceptional circumstances funding. Is that something

you’re willing to look at?


Well, the Commonwealth government I think is making available something like

$1.8billion in drought assistance through the course of this drought. And we

understand the plight that farmers have gone through. As I said in my speech

– a one in a hundred year drought. The worst drought in a hundred years. And

so we have got our drought assistance programmes going. Some of the issues that

get raised with me are whether or not you can get it quickly enough, and whether

or not we can streamline the procedures. And I think it is important that we

do streamline the procedures. We are working on that, to make sure we get that

money out faster. And that is one of the things that I am actually discussing

with the cattlemen.


So that’s a yes?


And the cattlewomen, too.


Just quickly – why did you choose central Australia (inaudible)?


I think, look, can I say first of all, the cattlemen are a wonderful export

industry for Australia and it is great to be with them. Secondly, I believe

that the Northern Territory can be Australia’s premier tourist area, if

it is not already. And wherever I go in the world, people want to know about

the Territory as a tourist destination, and I recommend it. I thoroughly recommend



Why do you love it so much?


It’s warm.


The CLP have had some tough times recently. We’re heading into an election.

How clued-up or knowledgeable are you of their chances and their performance?


Well, I have taken the opportunity to have a meeting with Denis Burke, the

Leader of the Opposition, and to discuss financial matters here in the Territory.

He has got a very good grip on the financial issues and we have been exchanging

some information. I know that an election is looming and I know that he is going

to be putting forward some exciting proposals. But that is for him to announce,

not for me.