Stem cell research – Doorstop Interview, ABC Centre, Southbank

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December 19, 2005
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Industrial relations, Treasury minute – Interview with Catherine McGrath, ABC AM
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December 26, 2005

Stem cell research – Doorstop Interview, ABC Centre, Southbank


Doorstop Interview

ABC Centre, Southbank

Tuesday, 20 December 2005

9.00 am

SUBJECTS: Stem cell research


… expert committee, and I want to carefully consider what it says. I

think the capacity for medical research to treat diseases like Parkinson’s

disease is so important, but I do not believe that potential lives can be created

and destroyed. Now if there is a way through this that can protect and respect

human life whilst allowing medical research to continue, I would like to find

it, and I will be looking carefully at the report.


Does the idea of creating embryos then at an early stage in order to carry

out scientific research constitute that balance of life?


I would be against creating embryos for the purpose of destroying them in medical

research. I think that is taking a callous view of life, but where there are

stem cells that otherwise would be destroyed, and they can be put to a medical

use which has the potential to deliver treatment for life saving treatment,

then I would be in favour of that. And it is a careful balance, I want to very

carefully consider the issues. Thanks.

I would be against creating embryos for the purpose of destroying them in medical

research. I think that is taking a callous view of life, but where there are

stem cells that otherwise would be destroyed, and they can be put to a medical

use which has the potential to deliver treatment for life saving treatment,

then I would be in favour of that. And it is a careful balance, I want to very

carefully consider the issues. Thanks.