Tax Cuts – Interview with Mike Carlton, 2UE

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Tax Cuts, Premiers’ Meeting, Infrastructure – Interview with David Speers, Sky News
June 3, 2005
Labour force, GST, Commonwealth Games, Victorian High Country, Housing market, Chinese diplomat – Press Conference, Treasury Place, Melbourne
June 9, 2005
Tax Cuts, Premiers’ Meeting, Infrastructure – Interview with David Speers, Sky News
June 3, 2005
Labour force, GST, Commonwealth Games, Victorian High Country, Housing market, Chinese diplomat – Press Conference, Treasury Place, Melbourne
June 9, 2005

Tax Cuts – Interview with Mike Carlton, 2UE

Interview with Mike Carlton


Tuesday, 7 June 2005

7.30 am



Good morning.


Good morning Mike, good to talk to you.


Is that figure about right, that if Labor blocks the tax cuts it could cost

taxpayers an extra $350 million?


It depends how long they block them. If it were three months it could be even

higher, up around over $700 million, so it depends the length of time that they

are successful in blocking them. Of course if they don’t block them, workers

will not be out of pocket at all, but if they go ahead with this crazy strategy

they will lose a lot of money.


And I see too that some of the business software companies like MYOB who put

out software for calculating tax, they are saying this will cause them absolute



Yes, what has to happen now is because Labor won’t guarantee it will

allow the schedules through, these are the schedules that employers use to take

tax out, the Tax Commissioner has had to distribute two different schedules,

these schedules are about 100 pages, (inaudible) pages, and MYOB has had to

prepare them in software form and as a consequence of this employers have had

the confusion of two different schedules, (inaudible) tax rates and as of today

because of Labor’s blocking tactics you can’t tell which is the

right one.


Running out of time too when small business, big and small, have to deal with

the new superannuation changes on July 1.


In addition to, this is the terrible thing, that about 850,000 employers in

Australia, with tax cuts which are due on the 1st of July, which

is less than four weeks away now, none of those employers can tell you what

the tax rate they have to apply are, there are changes coming in relation to

superannuation, and all this is being done as a political stunt. The tax cuts

will come into force eventually Mike, they will eventually become law, this

is just a stunt, you cannot stop these tax cuts, Labor can’t stop the

tax cuts, the only thing they can do is delay and cause extra costs to employers.


Okay, but you can sort that out yourself though, by the Government calling

in the new Senate to sit on July 1?


Well, what is the point? The Senate hasn’t even voted on these changes



Yes, but if Labor blocks them, with the old Senate as they could do with the

other Opposition parties, you could call the new Senate to sit from July 1 to

get them through.


…well, there is a few problems with that. First of all, if you call in

the new Senate it is millions of dollars in cost of course. Second point you

have got to swear in something like 15 new Senators. And the third point is

that even if you got it through immediately, you have got to turn around and

produce new schedules and you have got to table new schedules and that in itself

is going to take time. So, you have got time, you have cost and all because

Mr Beazley won’t allow these schedules through the Parliament.


Alright, good to talk to you. Thanks for your time.


A pleasure to be with you Mike, thanks.