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Productivity Commission Research Report on the Impact of Commonwealth Indirect Taxes on Exporters
August 11, 1998
Tax Reform Package
August 14, 1998
Productivity Commission Research Report on the Impact of Commonwealth Indirect Taxes on Exporters
August 11, 1998
Tax Reform Package
August 14, 1998

Tax Reform Package

Transcript No. 39

Hon Peter Costello MP


Hon Peter Moore MP


Thursday, 13 August 1998

9.00 am

SUBJECT: Tax Reform Package


Mr Costello will taxpayers be wearing such a big grin at 4 o’clock this afternoon?


What we’ve got is a new tax system for a new century. A tax system that can take

us through the next century to create jobs and trade and exports and also to give tax

relief to middle Australia, that’s what tax reform is all about.


How do you think it will be received by the public this afternoon?


I think the public will be pleased that somebody’s finally had the determination

to sit down and reform Australia’s tax system. The public will be glad that

they’ve been shown some leadership, that we don’t have to live with this

complicated, unfair tax system any more. We can have a new tax system for a new century

and that’s what it’s all about.


What will this mean for the Government if it is not popular in the electorate?


Well what this means is that the Government has put down a blueprint, a plan for

reforming Australia’s tax system. We’re the only ones that can do it, the only

ones that will show leadership in relation to that and that’s why middle Australia

will get a better deal.
